Fish Identification Game V3

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fm1978 said:

Well done, that was a good one...!
Umm, you mean you actually liked that or are you being sarcastic? 

BTW I am a Scots too so I know what we're like sometimes!!! lol  
Hehe! No, no, despite my usual sarcy self, that one was quite a challenge. It just goes to show that even if you do know the genus, it's still quite difficult to tie down the species!

Where are you from?

Originally from Perth, now in Redhill, Surrey!!
Cool, I've been there a few times for various stuff and may even have had relations with a girl from there in my younger days....
Poor taste?

Probably...sorry guys!
fm1978 said:
Cool, I've been there a few times for various stuff and may even have had relations with a girl from there in my younger days....
Poor taste?

Probably...sorry guys!
MBOU said:
LOL sorry, got distracted. 

Will get back to searching..................

Panaque L191
MBOU - posted pic on previous page............
Lol so sorry MBOU your pic is so small I didn't see it 
Yeah, its a tricky pic to work out with......not easy one......
MBOU-any chance of a bigger pic pretty please?
Will make it way too easy... look at the fish... and type that name into google... and the main feature of it... and you will get its common name...
Wills probably knows it? Can see he is looking :p
Wait til I find my binoculars...
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