Fish Identification Game V3

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Nope, we need scientific names here as well because personally... I think this snakehead is perfectly splendid!! Its just not a Channa lucius
Channa lucius is science name for it but nope you say!!
OK will keep looking.............
Paradise just got it ;)
That was kinda tricky as know NOTHING about snakeheads!! 
Then again, am just a newbie.............for now ............ 
I don't know too much about snakeheads either, the trick is to look and look until you recognise what family the fish belong to and go wild googling it! ;)
The more you take part, the easier it becomes :) I have had 5 years of playing these games on various forums and a lot of personal experience. Don't know what Paradise's excuse is ;) but I have to choose difficult ones to try and make her work LOL
I really should stop looking at fish that are way too big for my tank or too expensive for me :lol: OK, here's my next easy one.
Both scientific and species please :)
I shall say nowt :)
Beautiful specimen.
Latin name:  beautious specimenis
*shakes head*
Sorry Eagles.. you got it wrong... :p
Columbian Tetra - Hyphessobrycon columbianus.......? 

Oh, well played Charlie with a 4, I think you might have got that!
fm1978 said:
Look suspiciously like a Piranha...
That;s what I thought at first but think ch4rlies got it! 
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