Fish Identification Game V3

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That one was a tie I think. First one to the scientific name wins!
common only
Alright i am going to give a hard non-pleco, then take a nap.
give me a sec

After someone figures it out ill take a nap

Okay this one is difficult, because I don't even really know the fish.

Scientific and Commonly called name.
  Good luck
Crazy Fish? Butis butis?
You know there are living versions that you could have used

I wanted some a while a go but they are territorial and I'd only be able to have one
They grow to between 3 and 4 inches long and so cute lol.
Danget Paradise. 
Yes you are correct, that was too quick, Ill stay then take nap later.
Leopard cactus plec. Psuedacanthicus cf. leopard. L114
PlecostomusPerson said:
Danget Paradise. 
Yes you are correct, that was too quick, Ill stay then take nap later.
Lol. Yeah, I wanted some but my tank is only just big enough for one let alone a group :(
Here's mine :) Both scientific and species please.

My boyfriend says it's a well known one and should be easy. He looked at me like
  when I said I'd never heard of them XD
PlecostomusPerson said:
Ny82 and Paradise3, Y'all don't speak much, do ya? or at least today
I do have other things to do :p 
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