Fish Identification Game V2

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bb1991 said:
Channa Obscura, or the Dark Brown Snakehead...yeah?
Yup :) Your turn :) It's true Scientific name is Parachanna obscura and it's African Snakehead but you got it technically lol.
Parachanna obscura? African Snakehead?

Doh again!!!
I *really* ought to have gone to bed!! :/ lol but I found a fish I want to use haha
MBOU said:
I *really* ought to have gone to bed!!
lol but I found a fish I want to use haha
I have my next one ready but I think it may be a bit unfair lol.
Sry if i got it incorrectly, had to google all the snakehead species lol... but here's my pic
Is it a species of Pseudomugil? I was looking at keeping Pseudomugil gertrudae but it doesn't look right for that one. Even for a female. It does look like a Pseudomugil though :)
Yep, nice catching that it's a pseudomugil....but which i wonder...:)
bb1991 said:
Yep, nice catching that it's a pseudomugil....but which i wonder...
Thanks lol. Right, now I get confused XD So not a gertrudae? Lol.
Pseudomugil signifier?
Ooh, I think I got it. Someone else get it though lol. I'll feel bad otherwise because I only just had a go :)
Sorry, i'm just kinda sleepy... Nope not a Signifier or a Gertrudae
bb1991 said:
Sorry, i'm just kinda sleepy... Nope not a Signifier or a Gertrudae
It's OK. I am pretty sure I got it after staring at the picture and going through my head with what I know of the Pseudomugil species but I don't want to take it because I only just had a go and I'd feel bad.
Pseudomugil inconspicuous!! LOL
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