Fish Identification Game V2

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Wow... They usually have more pattern than that as a juvi? OK, erm... lemme go get a picture.
OK... You're all going to hate me because I got this idea from looking at Planet Catfish and watching a program last night. I will settle for just the common name because the latin is not very well known... I do but I don't know how many people will get this common name let alone latin...
Here goes.

It is tiny and a catfish.
No-one? Now I feel evil :/ It's a mean little catfish, evil things. Known for horror stories involving humans...?
Me neither, it was a total guess based on your horror film clue!
A Candiru?
fm1978 said:
Me neither, it was a total guess based on your horror film clue!
A Candiru?
It wasn't a horror film clue... It was a clue towards the fact that they are involved in horror stories with humans... And yes it's a Candiru. The horror stories are that they swim up mens..... Erm... Yeah... When the man goes to pee in the river it lives in, it takes the flow of urine by mistake as the flow of water coming from a fishes gills(where they suck the blood from the fish) and "swims" up the flow and straight into the end.
Paradise3 said:
Me neither, it was a total guess based on your horror film clue!
A Candiru?
It wasn't a horror film clue... It was a clue towards the fact that they are involved in horror stories with humans... And yes it's a Candiru. The horror stories are that they swim up mens..... Erm... Yeah... When the man goes to pee in the river it lives in, it takes the flow of urine by mistake as the flow of water coming from a fishes gills(where they suck the blood from the fish) and "swims" up the flow and straight into the end.
Ch4rlie said:

Me neither, it was a total guess based on your horror film clue!
A Candiru?
It wasn't a horror film clue... It was a clue towards the fact that they are involved in horror stories with humans... And yes it's a Candiru. The horror stories are that they swim up mens..... Erm... Yeah... When the man goes to pee in the river it lives in, it takes the flow of urine by mistake as the flow of water coming from a fishes gills(where they suck the blood from the fish) and "swims" up the flow and straight into the end.


Yeah, I imagine it's pretty painful :/
Your turn FM :)
Did you see the ones on River Monsters that ripped a carp apart in about 10 seconds? All that was left was the skin not in the water and the skeleton. Horrific stuff!! Apparently most living things can fight them off before they rip the skin its just once they in the skin the major problems happen...
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