Any suggestions for getting a good photo of one's fish?
I've seen people take the fish out of the water, seems dangerous to me. My luck, I'd drop it. But I stand AWAY (few feet) from the take and zoom in on it, that keeps the fish calmer because they probably associate you with food (if they don't they will). When I get near my tank, my fish go crazy and swim around like they are on fire (if one could catch a fish on fire...), so take a few steps back and zoom in. It take LOTS of patience because few fish like photographs. The flash reduces the blur, but then you blind the fish. I've noticed stepping back helps with this too, then again, it may not and I'm killing my fish, they seem fine to me though!! I also like to feed mine sometimes when I take pictures. They move faster, but they are drawn away from their hiding places and swim around the top of the tank!
Apparently the main problem here is viewing the tail? I know sometimes lighting can make fish look different colors. SO here is a pic of my scissortail rasboras... Does your fish's tail look like these? In the first pic I didn't think there were black stripes on the tail, which is why i'm leaning toward it NOT being rasbora... but I don't have a breed suggestion, because I'm no expert! I've had these fish going on a year in February or March (can't remember). I'm pretty sure they were young when I bought them and they DID have striped tails so I personally don't think it's a matter of age. Health, yes, I've read some fish dull badly if they are sick or undernourished.
Good luck and keep us posted!