fish icons


New Member
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
what are they? and what do they signify? plus, how are we put into the groups we are put in?

eg: i was once a newbie, now i'm a member
The title near the little fishies "name" changes with the numbers of posts that you have. It really dosen't mean anything except that you have met a certain number of posts on the forum.


We are members because we are not moderators or administrators. :)
ahh... it's all so clear to me now


lol... add 1 more post to my record
i always wanted to knwo wat those neons ment on the side of the forum titles.....
Bea/\/: If your talking about on the main page, if the neon is blue, there's a topic that has a new post you haven't looked at. If it's black, then there's no new posts.
:hi: to the fourm.

You're just going up in rank by means of the number of posts you have.

Most of us are Leaders of the Fishies or under, but there are a few elite admin and mods among us.

Join our school.

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