Fish Forums Meet and Greet?


Tropical Fish Forums is not associated with any event, on-line or in person, which takes place outside the forum. These events will not be moderated or overseen by TFF staff and TFF takes no responsibility for anything which happens at these events.
Anyone taking part in such events does so at their own risk.

Moderators may participate in events, but as members and not in any official capacity

TFF has no problem with members organising events like the Meet and Greet but we do need to make members aware that it is not an TFF authorised event and members taking part do so at their own risk.
can I participate from my bathroom?


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I think everyone, including :werewolf: should be allowed to attend.

I’m sure the time, whatever it is where you are, will be perfect for some and others can have the excitement of staying up late, getting up early, or even setting an alarm and getting up in the middle of the night just like going on holiday 😂
EDIT: to correct grammar
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Ok, so zoom can support international meetings. I’m not sure if I have to pay to do it though. I also don’t know how many people are coming - I wouldn’t expect more than 20, so I think we are fine. Would anybody like to volunteer as a practice meeting?
Me at a recent meet & greet. Please don’t tell the neighbors.
All the guys dont want to reply to this picture in the wrong way out of fear they'll be judged as... Ive gone to far... Imma stop

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