Fish Food

I feed my fish frozen food and live food but there main staple foods are assorted packets of pellets from Hikari as i have had no problems feeding them these.
All depends on the fish but for regular community fish I always feed fish flakes supplements with dried bloodworm, daphnia, tubiflex etc. I used to feed live but it lasts alot longer to buy dried or freezed.
Which is better?

If you feed frozen blood worms then when you defrost it, would'nt the blood worm start movng as it would be alive?
No, the worms are dead. I defrost them in some tank water in a bowl then pour some at each end of tsnk.
Which is better for the fish and produced less waste?
i will look it up, i dont know if you had them but i used to have seamonkeys isnt this esentially brine shrimp?

That's exactly what they are. The problem with brine shrimp is that only newly hatched ones (sold as Baby Brine Shrimp or hatched yourself) provide much nutrition. Fully grown ones are usually not worth feeding.

This may sound like a doumb question but i don't what you mean by live foods.

Is it like a live worm you put into your aqaurium and it starts to swim around?

Live foods are alive. For example, blackworms and tubifex worms, and of course baby brine shrimp. The worms are readily available in the US but I think they are harder to come by in the UK. I've heard about people there feeding live bloodworms though.

Has anyone ever fed their fish live earthworms?..coz ive heard some fish like them :blink:

I've never trusted the ones I've found in my neighborhood because of fertilizers and herbicides in the grass, but earthworms are said to be excellent food for fish that are big enough to eat them. At a convention I attended, one of the speakers recommended washing them off, freezing them, and then chopping them up to feed corydoras.

Which is better for the fish and produced less waste?

It all depends on the fish. Some fish are more meat eaters and others only eat vegetable matter. Some plecos even eat wood.

As far as waste goes, it's best not to worry about that. Would you watch your diet just to save using toilet paper? If not, just feed them the most nutritious food and clean up whatever needs to be cleaned. Your fish will be happy and healthy for it. :D
Live food for me means daphnia that I raise for all my fish and microworms that I raise for new born fry to eat. I use both as primarily treats. I also feed high quality flake food and high protein granular foods. For my livebearers, I mix in some spirulina flake food. They appreciate the vegetable matter in their diets. I can get my rainbow cichlids to breed on demand almost any time by adding lots of vegetable matter to their diets. They are real pigs about fresh vegetation and it gets them into breeding condition in just a few days.
QUOTE (truckasauras123 @ Feb 1 2009, 12:40 PM)
QUOTE (kribensis12 @ Feb 1 2009, 06:39 PM)
If your trying to feed fish Brine Shrimp. Buy it frozen. It is alot cheaper than cultruing you own. Have to understand, feeding community fish, they want big shrimp, and when theese guys hatch, they are miniscule( for baby fish to eat).

The best brand is New Life Spectrum.

or if in the UK

gamma foods are all gamma treated to ensure any disease is killed.

You can get New Life Spectrum in the UK aswell (order off internet), I use the NLS cichlid food for my rams and angels.
Tetra pro crisps colour etc are very good quality foods as is Tetra Prima
Frozen bloodworm, daphnia and brine shrimp are fed to mine aswell.
Would you watch your diet just to save using toilet paper? :lol:

Are bloodworms an essential food in a fishes diet.

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