Fish Eating Fish (Also Ick Question)


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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Hello! Ive noticed recently when one of my glowlight tetras and neon tetra disappeared my rainbow shark was hiding more. When i did a water change i saw a clear 1in or so long thingy that got sucked up through my vaccum i didnt think or it and dumped the water out and continued with the water change. Then just the other day i noticed a dead tetra and my rainbow shark eating/sucking on him!! I dont know if this is good or not, is he going to get sick or catch the possible disease the other fish had? Or is it fine? Another thing is i had a vonrio tetra with ick and when i put in medicine tablets to cure it it seems like i killed two other tetras with the medication! So is there anyway i can cure this ick without medications and without possibly killing my other fish? Thanks in advance!
Lol Rainbow shark with neon and glowlights? Come on man, You could easily tell that wouldn't work out.

He will get ill if the tetra suffered a death other than the shark eating it.
Usually with Ich you can reaise the tank temp to speed up the ich's life cycle.

There are medications available that are shrimp, loach and catfish safe, but they are not easy to always find. Usually for tetras, loaches, catfish and fry many medications are used at 1/2 strength for a longer duration.
Lol Rainbow shark with neon and glowlights? Come on man, You could easily tell that wouldn't work out.

He will get ill if the tetra suffered a death other than the shark eating it.
They're perfectly fine together, i even have a gourami and he doesnt even care about them.

Usually with Ich you can reaise the tank temp to speed up the ich's life cycle.

There are medications available that are shrimp, loach and catfish safe, but they are not easy to always find. Usually for tetras, loaches, catfish and fry many medications are used at 1/2 strength for a longer duration.
And im guessing theyre more money right?

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