internal bacteria is very common in livebearers- how are your neons looking?
The neons were gone some time ago- all 12 of them. I noticed one or two with a flesh-colored patch at the dorsal fin before they died.
What I'm up to now is this- I figured that given the losses so far, it's time for triage, so I removed and euthanized two guppies that weren't looking good. I'm down to the following fish:
1 Pleco
1 Glass Catfish
2 Cory Catfish
4 Zebras
5 Black Skirt Tetras
1 Guppy
2 Platies
One of the platies has me concerned at the moment, it's not acting strange, but it looks as if it's scales are shedding or something, hard to tell. I'm thinking lesions, mostly near it's tail. It's not clearly defined though, so I'm waiting a bit while I treat the tank.
I'm using Mardel Maracyn, which I'm told is a broad-range antibiotic, this is what the local store told me to try. Honestly, I'm not that confident in their advice- they're the folks who told me that you have to put Zebras in with Angelfish to circulate the water... Anyone who knows a decent fish place on the southern side of Atlanta, Georgia, please let me know.
Since the removal of the two guppies and the start of the treatment (2 days now) I've lost no fish, but then I'm down to the fish I'd consider the 'toughies'.
Thanks again for the help, and any more suggestions would be welcomed.