Fish deformities

zelandonia said:
I no longer have her :-( but here is a thread I previously posted about my betta with a deformity:


seems to me that this sort of occurrance is exactly why people should not breed bettas of completely unknown heritage (i.e. bettas sold by wholesalers). although only your pretty little girl displayed the notched deformity, probably half of her siblings carried the genes for it. should someone have innocently bought and bred a pair from that group, probably a large number of the fry would exhibit notching. :no: and sadly, not everyone has your willingness/interest in caring for a deformed betta. so a badly notched batch of fry would either languish without any interest of purchase or have to be culled almost entirely.

shame your girly is no longer with you. she really did have a beautiful color.
I dont have any pictures but i once had a giant danio with a collapsed stomach for over 2 years.

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