Fish Can Be Seriously Bad For Your Health


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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I have just got back from the hospital with the news that i have blood poisoning and need to have a operation on my finger tommorow from being stabbed by a fish dorsal spine. Which of my monsterous fish got me you may ask, was it one of the stingrays or prehaps a large catfish or even the toad fish?

No, it was a redsnapper i was descaling for dinner yesterday evening :lol: I slipped while runing the knife down its flank and one of the dorsal spines went into my finger a broke off, i thought i had removed it but it turns out a 5mm piece is imbedded into the bone just behind my finger nail, once my finger reached twice its normal size i thought it was time to go have it looked at and was immiedietly put onto anti biotics for the blood poisoning which by this time was almost up to my elbow and have been booked in with a hand specialist surgeon for the morning to have the spine removed. Just what i need just before christmas.

The moral of the story, dont eat fish as they may get their revenge on you :lol:
Good luck.
I have just got back from the hospital with the news that i have blood poisoning and need to have a operation on my finger tommorow from being stabbed by a fish dorsal spine. Which of my monsterous fish got me you may ask, was it one of the stingrays or prehaps a large catfish or even the toad fish?

No, it was a redsnapper i was descaling for dinner yesterday evening :lol: I slipped while runing the knife down its flank and one of the dorsal spines went into my finger a broke off, i thought i had removed it but it turns out a 5mm piece is imbedded into the bone just behind my finger nail, once my finger reached twice its normal size i thought it was time to go have it looked at and was immiedietly put onto anti biotics for the blood poisoning which by this time was almost up to my elbow and have been booked in with a hand specialist surgeon for the morning to have the spine removed. Just what i need just before christmas.

The moral of the story, dont eat fish as they may get their revenge on you :lol:

well , you will remember it...but seriously . Good luck :)
Ouch! I bet that smarted.

You gotta be careful of fish: Even just swiiming with them! Look at what a sting ray did to the great man himself mr. Steve Irwin. :sad:
(Who in a million years....)

Count yourself lucky I say!!!!!
I've been "stuck" by fish spines when catching/cleaning them and I can symathize with you. It's extremely painful, especially with catfish. Fortunately none were as serious as your incident. All the best!
Fortunately for me, the market where I get my fish will filet them for me. So I can eat all the fish I want safely. :drool:

Hope you have a speedy recovery! :flowers:
And that's why you don't eat fish! Fish are friends not food... and yes I am kidding, good luck bud!
That sounds really nasty CFC and i hope it heals quickly for you.
I got spined by a catfish once when fishing as a kid. It was pretty bad. Not bee-sting bad but close enough.
Simply Good luck..and Marry Christmas....just incase you'll be in hospital.
Ouch that sounds painful! You must have slipped with some force to get it stuck in the bone! Best of luck with the operation.

Maybe you should think about asking for some steel gloves for Christmas :p
ouch! hope it turns out ok, CFC. but that is just really ironic, considering how "deadly" is one of your preferred characteristics when stocking a tank :p

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