Fish Bubbles - Wall Hanging Fish Tank - Half Gallon

You know if you could find a way to attach something like that but 20x bigger it would look really smart.
Just had another thought, it would look good as a trendy vase.
Oh dear, Ebuyyourmoney must be quite happy.

Very unique design, but how I ask do you find this offensive?

For one thing, the fish is in a semi-circular enviroment, giving it the ultimate view.

Its hot I think, better to eat fish aswell.
I'd live in that if I was Fish.

It'd be quite fun, since Fish don't know what 'Space' is, I bet it has naked-lady shows to watch quietly.. stashed away in the semi-circle.

Imagine it. Fish-Heaven, with water naked-lady shows!
Fish do know what space is, thats why theres minimum tank requirements for certain fish. Most likely something having that will keep it as a decoration more than a pet, will forget about it, theres no filter and no heater. Probably wont remember to do a water change, the way the openning is the betta could easily jump out, something hung on a wall is usually up high so thats a powerful fall. Etc etc etc....
That would be great if you got the 2 gallon version (in my opinion) Though I'm not sure if the wall would hold the weight unless you placed it on a stud.
i think you guys are overreacting. this idea seems pretty good compared to others. i still wouldnt buy it, because for 20 bucks, i could probably get enough containers for 20 betta, or a filter for a 55 gallon. the 1 gallon model seems better than what most people have their betta in. only problem would be mounting it on the wall. how is anybody going to hold up about 10 pounds on a small nail thats not on a stud?
dont see much wrong with one gallon for a betta

except it will jump through that gaping hole! :eek:
I think I would prefer a proper aquarium rather than having something just for the sake of setting a new fashion trend which will quickly disappear like those fish in a cube......... I think they were horrid even for white cloud minnows......... Or as it showed in a diagram on a leaflet that came with one I was given (Fish placed in my aquarium as soon as person left) which had two swordtails on it......

If someone wants something like that then they should just use it to home aquatic plants........ I'm sure you can get some nice ones

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