Fish Auction

Hmm, I will take 6, of the largest ones if you don't mind. You should see the labs I'm bringing in to the auction! They are monsters. Most labs are skinny when they are an inch long, but these things are monsters.
No problem. Chunky fish are healthy fish when younger.
Yeah. They are little beasts. I haven't lost any of them. And, they haven't gotten sick. I'm pretty proud of myself. It's my first batch of labs. I have another 35 fry in two breeders. I'm moving them into the 30 once I sell the labs saturday.
Auction starts at 10:30, seller check in starts at 9:00.
I'm not even trying to breed them, they started and won't stop. Don't feel bad, I need room for the next batch.
iv ben trying to find brisle nose for a while how much would u charge to ship them to me over night if that is even possible verry hard to find any bristle nose in my area need like 6 of them let me know if this is doable or if i should keep serching my area
Barring any work issues I'll be down there. Are you still breeding albino bristlenose? If you are I'll load up the Milwaukee auction with them on Sunday, leave them home the 17th. These things just won't stop breeding.

i have ben looking for bristle nose for a while i would like 5 or 6 of them could u ship to me and how much would it cost me including shipping thanx
Shipping is the big cost, $30-$35 from Chicago to Akron, which is the first city towards the top of the zip code list. They're smaller fish, a buck each or so for the fish themselves.

Be aware that shipping fish in the winter can be touchy, you need to keep an eye on weather conditions at the shipping point, the destination, and in between. Shipping from west to east isn't as tricky as shipping from east to west, as the weather comes in from the west most of the time. Insulated boxes as well as heat packs are a must.

Let me know what your zip code is, I can give a more solid price. Waiting until after Christmas would be a good idea, shipping companies are swamped, they don't handle packages with the best of care when in a hurry.

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