Fish are "real" pets too

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Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
Why is it that people will do almost anything for their cat/dog/hamster etc. yet consider fish to be not worthy of the same treatment?

A person I work with has a goldfish....she said to me a week ago "I don't want it anymore, I'm not gonna feed it and hope it dies"....a week later (today) this fish is still alive "why won't the damn thing die" she I offer to take it for her...(not that I can put it in with my fish or anything but anyway)....she from this weekend I will have a goldfish (which will be temporarily housed in a goldfish bowl)...I am giving her some food tomorrow which she said she will feed to it till I take it this weekend (my good deed for the day....rescuing a goldfish!!!).

Why is it that when I tell people I spent most of my weekend redoing my fish tank they say "they're only fish" or "all fish die anyway, why bother" or "why bother getting a quarantine tank...they still get diseases"?? Yet the same people keep dogs and cats inside and spoil them with all the toys and expensive food under the sun. Why is it that when I tell people that fishkeeping is my hobby they say "how can it be a hobby....all you need to do is feed them every now and again?"?

Admittedly you can't cuddle up to a fish at night, or have them sit in your lap when watching the TV or have them greet you at the door when you get home.....but this DOES NOT MEAN THEY DON'T COUNT. I see my fish get excited when I walk past the tank....coming out of their various hidey holes to say "hi" to me (in their own little ways)...only to me....they don't do the same to the BF...just me. I also see how happy my bristlenose catfish is when I give him cucumber and how sad he is when I take the remnants of it away. I also see the sad faces on my fish when they get sick and can see the pain they are feeling.

They are real pets....they do count and are not just a room decoration or pretty "things" to look at....if people want "pretty things" to look at, they should go and get themselves a wall painting, or print or photo etc....not a fish which they will most likely at some stage lose interest in.....and all becasue "they're just fish". I mean....they wouldn't just buy a cat or dog and throw it in the backyard then ignore it right? And if they did the RSPCA (or other animal rescue body...dependent on country) would be on their case in no time. If people get a sick cat or dog, they can't get it to the vet quick enough and will pay exorbitant amounts of money to treat it, yet the same people whinge about "damn those ich meds....they cost me a whole $12".

Makes me wonder if people should need a license to keep fish....a license which would require basic knowledge of fishkeeping before issue.

Anyway....they are my 2 cents worth for the day

I'll be keen to see other peoples opinions on this topic



PS....I think my fish get more attention than my cat at times....and boy does she let me know when they do!!!
agree, even though I don't want some of my fish I still provide a good home with sufficient food. Some would probably suggest I put the fishes I don't want in the puffer tank and watch them nip but that's like sooooooooo sad to the fish.
really good point you raised here chook, good luck with the goldfish!!!
I too agree wit what you are saying. I know that the Fish world is an expecive hobbie to be in.

I think there is a differance though. between Gold fish and tropical fish to Marine fish.

I think the gold fish / Pond fish are not really seen as pets as you can win them in fairs and things like that. I know that several people (kids) love them and they are a pet.

Tropical fish are different as you collect various different breeds and store them in a tank for people to see. e.g you and BF/ GF with this people do see the differance and respect you for what you do.

and with marine fish are show fish. this is a hobbie that takes so much time to keep every thing running really good. if you dont get this right then their is trouble to pay.

I think the way other people see fish keeping is that the fish are always on show and not some thing you can play with. also you dont go out and buy a cat to feed to your dog or hamster to feed to your cat.

If you look at the people who keep dogs and cats for show. they are not treated as pets. I think it is cruel what people do to the poor animals.

I love my fish and i would like to pick them up and pet them but i fear they would be dead really quickly.

It is hard to try and explaine why fish are not really pets. Oh ya fish get eaten by humans. different forms of cats and dogs in the western world are not bread for food for humans.
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
It is hard to try and explaine why fish are not really pets. Oh ya fish get eaten by humans. different forms of cats and dogs in the western world are not bread for food for humans.
Not by me, they don't ;)

I think my goldfish are great, I don't think that because something is harder to maintain that makes them more valid as a creature.

Here is the meaning of a pet.

a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement

i think here is the main reason why fish are not pets "domesticated" ifsh are not domesticated.

They are still acting as though they are in the wild.

and the reason they come to the surface or come out when they see you is they relate that time to when they are going to be fed.

My fish do the same but it is like a pack of wild dogs. they will scammper and quarel over food. if they dont then they go hungry.

and maybe even starve
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
Here is the meaning of a pet.

a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement

i think here is the main reason why fish are not pets "domesticated" ifsh are not domesticated.

They are still acting as though they are in the wild.

and the reason they come to the surface or come out when they see you is they relate that time to when they are going to be fed.

My fish do the same but it is like a pack of wild dogs. they will scammper and quarel over food. if they dont then they go hungry.

and maybe even starve
I don't think that dictionary definitions mean anything when talking about individual's feelings.

Everyone feels differently. I don't care if people think their fish are not as much of a pet as their dog, I may even think the same should I get one but that doesn't mean they should not be taken care of as well.

If someone takes on the responsability of another creature, whether it be mouse, dog, fish, budgie, child they should always take care of it to the est of their ability. If they are not willing or able to take care of it for some reason, give it to someone who is.

Cheese Specialist said:
fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
Here is the meaning of a pet.

a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement

i think here is the main reason why fish are not pets "domesticated" ifsh are not domesticated.

They are still acting as though they are in the wild.

and the reason they come to the surface or come out when they see you is they relate that time to when they are going to be fed.

My fish do the same but it is like a pack of wild dogs. they will scammper and quarel over food. if they dont then they go hungry.

and maybe even starve
I don't think that dictionary definitions mean anything when talking about individual's feelings.

Everyone feels differently. I don't care if people think their fish are not as much of a pet as their dog, I may even think the same should I get one but that doesn't mean they should not be taken care of as well.

If someone takes on the responsability of another creature, whether it be mouse, dog, fish, budgie, child they should always take care of it to the est of their ability. If they are not willing or able to take care of it for some reason, give it to someone who is.

I agree. and people should be vetted to keep pets. as there are allot of people out there who are not good for keeping pets and dont feel for another living creature.
Chooklet said:
Why is it that people will do almost anything for their cat/dog/hamster etc. yet consider fish to be not worthy of the same treatment?

Admittedly you can't cuddle up to a fish at night, or have them sit in your lap when watching the TV or have them greet you at the door when you get home.....
Chooklet, I think you answered your own question in your original post as pointed out in the pieces of it that I've quoted.

I have both a dog and fish and I feel much closer to my dog than I do my fish. However, that doesn't mean that my fish do not deserve the best treatment I can provide for them. Although I understand how people can feel closer to a dog than they do fish, I believe they still should not own fish if they are not willing to do what it takes to take care of them properly.

Good luck with the me it's every bit a fish as any other!
Chooklet said:
Why is it that when I tell people I spent most of my weekend redoing my fish tank they say "they're only fish" or "all fish die anyway, why bother" or "why bother getting a quarantine tank...they still get diseases"??

... Why is it that when I tell people that fishkeeping is my hobby they say "how can it be a hobby....all you need to do is feed them every now and again?"?
Hi Chooklet :)

I think that many of these people might have tried fishkeeping, at some time or other in their lives, and failed. This is that old "sour grapes" response! :X

However, many of these folks have their old tanks and equipment stored away and those of us who succeed at the hobby wind up buying them at great prices when they have yard sales. And many a beginner got a free tank (slightly used) from this very kind of person. :nod:

So, you see, there is a bright side to everything! :D
I read on this forum that in like Thailand and stuff, they have fish hospitals, where they can take their Arowanas to have emergency surgery performed and stuff.... Sounds like over there they treat their fish like real pets.
my opinion only

humans are supposed to have the 'superior' brain - the ability to make choices. If we choose to keep anything in captivity/as pets whether it be cat, dog, fish, insects - any living thing that is dependant on us for its very life - then we also have to choose to care for them to the best of our ability......and if we can't do that we shouldn't have them.

This means not just feeding them, but also making sure that where they live is big enough to provide them with room to grow, big enough to move round - exercise, freedom from stress, is kept clean. room to grow

IMO it comes down to choice - if we're going to choose to keep fish/pets .....lets choose to do it right, be proud of doing just that

....I personally love watching my fish, having them breed, looking after them and am proud when other people come see friends think I'm nuts for spending hours cleaning them out but hey :dunno: I enjoy it

fozzy_wozzy_woo said:
Here is the meaning of a pet.

a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement
Only a few animals fall into the category of a "domesticated pet"...and that's sad. I posted a link to an article awhile back, it was talking about rabbits being brutally murdered by a family, they said the rabbits were food but the way they killed them was....horrible. There were no laws in NY to protect them because they weren't "domesticated pets"...I have a house rabbit who is verrry domesticated, so hearing that they had no laws to protect them, my blood boiled. I feel the same way about fish. There should be some sort of law.

I completely understand what you're all saying. My fish are great! I adore them. They have personality ,preferances, their own little opinions about how they like things done,it's a shame when you have to hear "it's just a fish!" :sly:

That's why the forum is so great! We can all be here together and love our fish :p
I completely agree with everything you said in your post! Fish are pets and I LOVE my fish! I may not be able to hold them or pet them or cuddle with them, but i know they appreciate everything I do for them! Such as spending more money on fish food then on dog food! and my boyfriend jokes that the fish eat better than we do! and all those hours i spend changing the water and cleaning the gravel and the filter and finding other types of food that would best suite the newest fishy members needs! Yesterday for instance, I drove 1 hour each way just to buy 2 dollars worth of brine shrimp to get my new clown loaches to eat! Now thats what I call LOVE! :)

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