Firtile Blood Parrot Pair!

im not sure. wen igot back from holiday they wre all gone. now the tank has been ridden of a massive florida gar and too large oscars. so im hoping for better chances.
hey. Everyone is just so negative on the subject. "Didn't work out" "May look like it but probably won't."

I mean, sure, don't encourage false hopes, but a "good job" and "Great! What conditions did you use?"
would be nice, rather than just pounding the negative like a 3 legged race horse.
hey. Everyone is just so negative on the subject. "Didn't work out" "May look like it but probably won't."

I mean, sure, don't encourage false hopes, but a "good job" and "Great! What conditions did you use?"
would be nice, rather than just pounding the negative like a 3 legged race horse.

If I was going to post about my fertile BP pair I would be making sure they actually were before blabbing about it, no wonder everyones being negative.Remembering also that this member said something along the lines of "stop posting stupid questions about livebearers cos nobody cares" ;)
Oh my gosh I didn't realise how old this topic was. I'm really sorry, I thought at the latest beginning of August.
lol ive sorted out all my filter problems now and the parrots are settling down...
i think now the predators are gone and the filter is top notch they should definetly breed.wether or not the pair is fertile i have yet to discover.
Yeah, the eggs may be fertile but it's still possible for the embryos to die before hatching. However, huge congrats, it's exciting and hopefully they will hatch for you, it definitely sounds good so far! :D

hey. Everyone is just so negative on the subject. "Didn't work out" "May look like it but probably won't."

Just to back that up, mine all looked fertile but never got passed the 3 day mark, there was only ever a few white ones...They dissapeard anyway.

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