First Venture To The Salty Side!

Ive had a look on the AC and Ebay, the cheapest twin 250W I can find so far is £100.

Do you know if I'll need a supplement atinic with these Halides or are they good enough by themselves?

I quite like that blue glow that most marine tanks have, am i able to acheive this with cheapo LED's off the Ebay?

Andy :)
Supplimenting with Actinic isn't essential, but does add to the colours of the corals (and that loverly electricity bill) :good: LED's can help, but the cheap ones aren't always that powerful.

Just had a look at the CAD image you posted, and noticed something missing. I'd run a couple of braces along the front and back pannels, at the base, just to increase your gluing area and reduce seam stresses. This in turn should increase the tank's usable life before re-builds are required :good:

All the best
Too late for any extra's now, it's made and ready to be picked up :lol:

Andy :)
Just a little drawing update while i'm waiting for the frame to be made :rolleyes:


Andy :)
Just a quick question...

Can somebody please explain what colour temperature I will need for my halide bulbs 10,000k, 14,000k or 20,000k :huh:

Andy :)
down to personal preferance there. I have 10K bulbs which are best for coral growth but look very yellow without some blue T5's. 14K is probably the best colour wise imo

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