First Time... Oto...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2008
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I recently purchased 2 otos on Monday. Its now Friday and their still alive and look like their doing well. I heard they will often die randomly during the first month for unknown reasons. I also read that they need constant feeding of algae or zuchini. They nearly ate all the brown algae in the tank. I placed two pieces if zuchini in and (once they finally found it) they lached onto it and i guess they were eating it. But, It looks like the zuchini leaves a mess in the tank. My betta also eats it. Any suggestion of what i should be careful of with otos? Im getting another next week. THANK YOU
Make sure they are well fed on a variety of different plants, algae, pumpkin, zucchini, etc and be careful when using medications in their tank. Most medications will suggest using at half strength for catfish. Keep the gravel clean and the water changes up to reduce the gunk build up and the potential for bacterial infections to occur.
The zuchini is making my water EXTREMELY cloudy. is there anything else i can use besides zuchini as a food? Im using a whipser power filter for a 10 gallon tank. Maybe i should upgrade the filter? how? And is it normal for the the 2 to shoal together every once in awhile? I pretty sure that ones a male and the others a female
Try using a smaller thinner piece of zucchini or any other sort of fruit or vege, but don't use onion or potatoe.
Put the food in and take it out a few hours later. That will also help keep the water cleaner.
Ottos will often swim around together but it depends on the individual fish. Some are very social and others are like me, unsociable :)
my tank is ruined lol. Its so cloudy. Although, even though theres zuchini everywhere, on the gravel, plants, decor, etc, the otos have a near endless beffet now. Im goin to have to do another water change or somethin
do a 50% water change and gravel clean. Suck all the food out of the tank and don't put anymore in for a day or so. The water should clear up pretty qucikly.
If you still have brown algae in the tank, you don't have to feed them much: IME brown algae is *very* good to get oto's established.
Give them at most a small spirulina wafer, and otherwise leave them alone, they will make it.

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