Ok, Update on the tank. The water is clear. Om Nom is still swimming around but a little sluggish. The gentleman coming to get the goldfish is coming this afternoon and I hope soon. The poor thing is bruised almost beyond recognition. He says he has some special water stuff for infections and he's seen that type of bruising before and told me what to get. (This gentleman used to raise Piranhas and other large tropical fish) Said that the Oscar was dark so you couldn't see if he was bruised but it was best to treat the infection in my tank just in case he's gotten it. Plus it won't hurt to medicate even if he doesn't because it'll kill the stuff in the water too.
He wanted to see Ghost, but I buried him yesterday. But Ghost didn't have any bruising or discoloration not even after he died. So I don't know. He said it was possible that since he was so small catching it would have probably killed him quickly before the bruising was evident. Om Nom is about 3 inches bigger than Ghost was. So hopefully I can figure it all out. I'll try posting pictures but I'm not sure how yet lol.