First Spawning


Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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:D I just got done finishing up the last changes on my spawning tank for my two bettas. I have followed all the rules from various websites(and this one). I am planning to realse the female tomorrow if all is good...Ill keep you guys up dated!
Like Rollntider said Need Help Ask The Three Caballeros and our leader Wuv.. :thumbs:
! goodluck! i have the hardest time sitting through breeding sessions. to violent. I alwayse end up stealing my girly back before they can even get started. Lol. I'm a pansy, what can i say?
Okay, after kayaking in the morning(really fun) I had to come hope and add my bettas...I added them around 1 maybe 2 pm here. I added the female in the vase and the male into the tank. he sorta swam around and stuff. She was really interested in him since she is relitvily young and he is my moms old betta who lives in the living room. He hasn't started to build his nest and sometimes flares at the female. She is really into him and wants to get out. Im not sure if my moms betta knows what is going on or if he wants to breed. (As austin powers might have said "oohh yea baby....that betta has lost it's mojo) -_- :p :D
ahhh..... :-( This spawning wasn't a success.... The female jumped out of the vase to get to the male and he almost killed her. I stepped in and put them back into their own contaniors, maybe I need to get another male that wishes to breed?
hmm sorry to hear about that but breedign is almost always going to be a rough sport for both fishies.

I would put her back in her chimney for another 12 hours or so and give the male a chance to build his nest, and then try to release her again. put a lid or something on top so she wouldtn' jump out.

when you release her next time, and you see the male chasing her around, try not to interfere (i know it's hard) but asl ong as the female's life isnt being threatened and you have lto sof hiding places for her it shoudl be alright. the male will usually chase her into teh palnts where she will hide until he is done the nest and tries to court her back :thumbs:
Wow..... i guess the male jsut wanst ready! The ones I bred were so nice! Dad never even poked or nipped mom once and mom would never like go beserk and jet here and there...... no wonder wuv said that it was a little too perfect! LOL but yea..... im 80% sure he's just not ready to breed
I tried not to interfere and i had the lid on but she really wanted him and I geuss he just didnt want to mate?!?
i'm going to be trying again later, I have a few more projects to do before i can start this back up again. But it may take a month or so, while I'll condition them longer and cycle the tank to make a perfect breeding habitat... :D

Do bettas have a time when they breed? Like can I breed them in wither or fall or do I have to wait till spring>?
stubby0143 said:
i'm going to be trying again later, I have a few more projects to do before i can start this back up again. But it may take a month or so, while I'll condition them longer and cycle the tank to make a perfect breeding habitat... :D

Do bettas have a time when they breed? Like can I breed them in wither or fall or do I have to wait till spring>?
Bettas don't have a "breeding season" so you can try whenever you'd like. Some people believe a drop in barametric pressure helps to get them in the mood, so if you know a storm is coming, that would be a good time to try it, but not necessary.

im sorry to say but the male betta that I was trying to breed had died :-(

But since then i have bught another male betta. He is purple, red, and pink! he has started building bubble nests in his tank and I plan to breed him with my blue female. What color offspring will they produce? :huh:
JoKeR said:
Like Rollntider said Need Help Ask The Three Caballeros and our leader Wuv.. :thumbs:
a little off topic, but who exactly are the "three cabellaros" hmm?

back to topic, i'm sorry to hear that your male died. it's important to only breed healthy bettas, you have to understand also that when you release the female into the breeding tank the male will try to attack the female if she isn't responsive to his advances. it's just natural. if you supply hiding places for the female she will be able to hide and rest until she feels she is ready. expect to see some nipped fins, it's part of the game.

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