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Obviously you don't know what I mean by a full dragon. Her dragon scaling isn't all over her body. It's only on half of her body.

How big are they?

The dragon scaling doesn't show till they're fully mature anyway so they could both be full dragon scales without you knowing...
They are definitely fully mature. Ai have fry that are one month old with full dragon scaling. I've seen a bunch that age with full dragon scaling that mature out into a Betta with perfect dragon scaling
Alright I've just spoken to someone else who breeds and she says it 'should' be OK but not something she would do as it still carries the risk and the blindness won't show till later in life...
Just because you breed doesn't make you knowledgable. I know of many examples of breeders who don't know what they are talking about... Such as Thaitybetta. I don't trust them until I know who you are talking about. Also, both the male and female don't have the full dragon scaling. The ideal is to create a full dragon Betta. Not one with half scaling and no blindness
Just because you breed doesn't make you knowledgable. I know of many examples of breeders who don't know what they are talking about... Such as Thaitybetta. I don't trust them until I know who you are talking about. Also, both the male and female don't have the full dragon scaling. The ideal is to create a full dragon Betta. Not one with half scaling and no blindness

I'm not saying I'm knowledgeable, I'm saying the risks of still breeding them and she's seen the picures and says it still carries the risk. It's actually lilfishie on this very forum, she's bred more times than I have and she says never to breed 2 dragon scales together as Dragon is a dominant gene so even if you bred a male dragon scale with a female non-dragon you could still get about 50% dragon scales from it.

I know I don't know everything. Even though I have bred 3 times and am still continuing to, I still learn a lot of things from breeding them.

All I'm saying is it's still a risk and I would breed them together, I'd breed them with non-dragon scales.
Breeding a non dragon scale with a full dragon scale would result in "unfavorable" coloring. It is considered a fault for them to not have the full dragon scales.
How? Because they're not pretty?
I personally think they look better with just a few dragon scales.

Breeding a non-dragon scale with a full dragon scale would result in about 50% dragon scales ;)
I've currently got a DragonxNon-Dragon spawn and although they're still young most of them resemble dragon scales already...
Yes. But you don't get your information from top breeders that are much more knowledgable than lilfishie and have much more Expereince. Breeding two full dragon scales doesn't result in dragon scaling over the eye. Don't you understand, lilfishie isn't all that great but the top breeders are

And if you knew what I was talking about then it wouldn't be because they are "pretty" or not it's the form and finnagge depicted by the IBC. There are shows and conventions to depict the best male or female with multiple classes. I'm guessing you aren't a member of the IBC
Yes. But you don't get your information from top breeders that are much more knowledgable than lilfishie and have much more Expereince. Breeding two full dragon scales doesn't result in dragon scaling over the eye. Don't you understand, lilfishie isn't all that great but the top breeders are

And if you knew what I was talking about then it wouldn't be because they are "pretty" or not it's the form and finnagge depicted by the IBC. There are shows and conventions to depict the best male or female with multiple classes. I'm guessing you aren't a member of the IBC

No and quite frankly I wouldn't want to be.

I know what I'm talking about thank you, I may not know everything but I do know this.
I know it's not really because they're pretty, I know it's because they don't fit in the whole Dragon Scale thing but why not? What the heck is wrong with them? Nothing. They're less likely to develop Dragon Scaling over the eyes when older than a full dragon scale.
And yes they're less likely to produce the deformity but if they can produce a full dragon scale they can produce that deformity as it's related to full dragon scales.
Lilfishie may not be all that great but I trust her judgement a heck of a lot more than any top breeder. Top Breeders usually breed to sell and although the ones they sell may be good quality, do you know how many they have culled due to deformities? No because they never say anything about it.
Also, do they mention whether the parents are related? Nope because they don't want people knowing that the parents are most likely from the same batch of babies and therefore inbreeding.

You know what? Forget I said anything. I was only trying to help out a little and it's got blown out of proportion so forget I said anything. I never wanted anything like this to start but then you started insulting me by basically saying I thought I knew everything when you couldn't have been further from the truth there.
I trust a top breeder more as they know much more about genetics than any member on this website currently. And have also been doing this longer than lilfishie and knows much more. And also, have you met a top IBC ranked breeder yet? I'm guessing not. They don't try to make the money. They try to benefit the species and produce the best show fish. Ny of them do it because they love bettas and the hobby. Actually I just met up with a really great breeder and she DID tell me how many of her fish had suffered from deformities... Not really any suffered from deformities because most breeders breed only good fish. Many of the time breeding siblings is actually GOOD to carry the genes. As long as you don't inbreed 5+ times it's completely fine. Usually most KNOWLEDGABLE breeders breed momxson and breed fatherxdaughter.

I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION. I just wanted to show my updates of my first spawn, I never asked for your opinion on my breeding. I know this is a forum and you want to help but I DON'T NEED HELP. With my breeding
I've been asking around from lots of more experienced breeders lately. Scaling only occurs over the eye if BOTH parents have VERY thick dragon scaling. And FULL dragon scaling. So I woul not get any offspring with scaling over the eye

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