First Scan Pic

I also lost a bit of weight in the beginning with my first, but the scans always showed that he was growing well, so we didn't worry. I also told my hubby he'd have the next one, because the pregnancy wasn't nice, but then I went on to have 2 more!! All were different and all had their own discomforts. But all were worth it and it's something that will stay with you forever.

aaawwww congrats on first pic, its ace init. i've got 4 & still got excited when i had scans.
the time does go very quick, i can even remeber the date i had my first scan with my eldest daughter & shes 16 & just left home. feel like i've blinked & missed the last 16 years now lol.
oh yeah a tip on the morning afternoon evening night time sickness lol if its the smell of something that makes you heave then try not to let yourself get hungry eat little & often.
i never had sickness but would heave st the slightest things infact i still do & my youngest is now 8.
good luck & keep relaxing :good: :good: :D
Oneponygirl, how you coping in this heat and how did you cope with morning sickness? I ask as my morning sickness is getting worse instead of better and this heat just makes me lazy and I'm not even heavily pregnant yet. Hope your baby comes on time for you!

Sorry to take so long, been busy and not been around. This pregnancy heat hasn't been too much of an issue because we have air conditioning. I tell my hubby I think I have survivors guilt for it. But last time we did not and lived in a hotter and more humid place. I remember very much liking our electric fan and drinking lots of ginger ale. The things that helped me to keep from feeling nauseous were peanut butter on white bread and Pepperidge Farms Sesame Stick crackers. Something about the saltiness and the fact that they didn't have an odor. I couldn't eat anything that had a smell for months the first time 'round, this time I just couldn't eat anything for months period. Now I'm fine. :D Oh yes, all over that now.

Thanks for the well wishes! I am officially in the third trimester and October doesn't seem too far away. In fact, when I consider that we still don't have a name, haven't bought a stitch of pink clothes or set up the nursery in anyway, October feels down right close.

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