Fire Eels

you may be able to ween it off live food, but at that size it will be difficult.

alternate between similar frozen and live foods, then slowly mix in prepared foods with the frozen stuff.

an alternatave is to find a source of tropically acclimatized live black worms (so they dont need refrigerating), place them in a small enclosed tank with a couple of cm's of gravel in the bottom + an airstone. They'll breed easily, you can feed them fish flakes.

I have a regular supply of live blackworms, grindal worms and brine shrimp for my fish. After an initial outlay of around $60aud I have a virtually unlimited supply of nutritious food.
Anything that can breed in captivity has done so; it's great.
you meen that you only eat food that is alive????

you wierdo.

kidin' but seriously i think that when he gets hungry enough he wil eventually try bloodworms, just keep on persisting.
go to the members pictures section and read the pinned topics :good: im sure there is one that explains it all
no :( ive got the pic but when i go to reply to this message it doesnt come up with a "add attachment" button?
i will start a new thread on the oddballs section and post picture then :)

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