Fire Eel

ill try bringing the food out a lil bit
but later on i will have some trouble because my giant gourami is one hell of a fish
cant wait til its not shy anymore, but is it possible for my gourami to eat it? :unsure:
At the moment how big is your giant gourami? And how big is your eel?

It is more than possible that if your gourami is to big it will definately eat your eel. Because of the long thin shape of an eel they are quite easily eaten.
my eel is still very young about 6 inches long and like 1/3 of an inch thick
my gourami is still a juevinile and is around 13 inches long but the mouth is not like huge yet
it can probably bite the eel in half with its strength or just swollow it
:no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
Giant gourami's are herbivors so it shouldnt have any desire to eat the fire eel.
TRy some chopped earthworms. Right now My fire eel only eats earthworms. Which is a problem when you have crazy grandmas that think the worms escape in the fridge and spread diseases
I don't have a giant gourami myself but any fish in general would eat your eeel if it were 13" and your eel only 6". In comparison I bet that your eel is tiny!!!
ya its very tiny compared to it
yesterday i tried to bring it out a lil and it works
it started to stick its head out a lot out of its hiding place
ill feed it some more today and see if i can bring it all the way out
Put some live ghost shrimp in the tank and just watch the eel come out to hunt them down! They have a very interesting hunting to watch....
Also, if you can train them to take live earthworms from your hand then you can offer them other meaty foods too, like pieces of raw shrimp, squid, fish (you can buy this at the grocery store and freeze it). These are big fish and need bigger foods....
Well in general fire eels in particular are very fussy eaters and it wouldn't surprise me is they only took bloodworms as mine do. But I do agree that thr have a very cool hunting style and they are fun to watch. Try putting in some live bloodworm and then make your tank as dark as possitble. Or try a 'blue moon' light so you can still see in the tank.
great and exciting news
my eel finally started come out and just wandering around my tank
its been a long times since i really got a good look at it
it swam around and just hid around the other decorations
guess its not shy anymore :)
That is great news to hear that it has been swimming about but don't get to excited yet because getting them to be completely unshy takes time. To add on to what I said in previouse posts fire eels like to eat worms in general (not just bloodworm, as I implied on a previous post).

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