Finishing off the 20


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Fine, I'm not exactly a beginner :p But I see no point in crowding Chit Chat with another 'what should I put in my tank?' topic. Anyhoo, the basics-

20g (24x15x12 dimension wise)
Fluval 2 filter (buut I might be upgrading to a Fluval 4 if it doesn't seem too much of an overkill)

Current Stocking-
6 Cories
9 danios

Now, I want to plant it up. Then I've got to decide what to finish with. I really wanted gold rams, but TBH I don't think they'd do brilliantly as I've got hard water. So, my plan now is to add a few more zebra danios (the danios consist of 7 leopard and 2 zebra- they were mixed up in the shop, don't ask :)) and then a pair of dwarf gouramis. But anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any better suggestions? Preferably I want-
Brightly coloured
Large for the tank size
Mid dwelling
Easy to breed later on
A shoal of harlequins or tetra's x ray tetra's are nice and they are hardy.
Well, like I said, really I want between one and 3 'larger' fish. Oops. no, I didn't say 1-3, but I did say 'large' :)
maybe angels? thouhg do they go with such active fish as danios, depending on height of tnak as well i guess so mayb not in a 20gl?

maybe a molly of some sort? sowrdtail?

or a rainbow fiosh of some sort
Like I said, I wanted rams but I'm not so sure they'll thrive in my water. I live in the South, hard chalky water, and the fish at the lfs come from Singapore where the water has a much lower pH than mine. The other problem with cichlids is that they get aggressive during spawning, when they're guarding their fry.

maybe angels? thouhg do they go with such active fish as danios, depending on height of tnak as well i guess so mayb not in a 20gl?

Its 15 inches high, 2ft long, so I'd say no.
Regarding your filter, i have 2 Fluval +2's in my 20 gal as i felt 1 was not enough (and its overstocked). I think a +4 would cause a tidal wave though, it has some serious power :lol: . One +3 might be a nice compromise.
I have a fluval 2 in my smallest tank a rekord 60 12gal, i would upgrade i have a fluval 4, hard to pull apart, just invested in a etheim lot better filter an aquaball.
hya OohFeeshy

Just wondering if this was the albino tank....or is that seperate :thumbs:
germanshepherdlver said:
hya OohFeeshy

Just wondering if this was the albino tank....or is that seperate :thumbs:
Nope, the albino tank is currently cycling :) I'm hoping to get a few pics soon. I still need a proper hood though, but TBH I'll probably end up forking out for a proper one. It will only really have moonlights in, but it won't be an albino tank forever :)

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