Finished lid and lighting, yay

Yeah wise move, a little expense now will save a lot of grief in the long run if a fire had started. Do you live alone or do you have loveones there too. Could you live with yourself.. So sorry to be offputting on what you saw as a great diy accomplishment but a few more pounds spent above what it had already cost you would have gotten you a new hood with lighting.
Only thinking of you mate..
If those are T8 bulbs you can put some 3/4" pvc fittings on them for end caps, they fit perfectly.
Here's My Set up, I have used some thick Plastic heat resistant C Clips to hold the 42" bulb to the lid, my starter is external (best place for it really).
You have the right idea with your set up, for watts Vs £ you have a real bargain, just spend a few more pennies and make it safer ;)


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