Finding Nemo Fishes

kind of its my first time setting up a saltwater i started with freshwater and i only have about a week of experience on saltwater tank/fish
i hate the word nemo.
yeah the chance of keeping the fish from finding a clownfish (you see what i did there) is extremlely slim. the puffer would eat the cleaner. moorish idols are a sod to look after. the damesal would rip them to shreads. i would also say the tank would be over stocked.
I also hate the word "Nemo".

Apparently there is some prestige involved with "seeing the good behind 'Finding Nemo' ". I say, bull####.

Hopefuly in ten years or so Nemo won't mean the same thing, its a cool name I wish tha pixar hadn't corrupted it like that.
I actually kinda like the movie itself, it's not that bad of a movie, but I absolutely despise the effect it had on people. For instance, little kid sees goldfish, then yells "Nemo!". Only educated people should be allowed to watch it, because only the educated people can discriminate between real and fake. :nod:

But I guess Pixar wouldn't be making any money then, and it is painfully obvious that that's all they care about. :grr: :lol:


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