Finding Nemo Fishes


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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San Francisco, CA
im just wondering if i can put all of the fishes on the finding nemo on my 55 gallon tank or is this too small for them and do u think you can tell me all the fishes on that movie (main characters)
There have been many topics on this in the past, if you want a longer answer, go searching for them. The short and sweet answer is absoloutely not. Fish like the Regal Tang are WAY too big for a 55g and dogface puffers are NOT reef-safe at all. There are many other associated problems with the list, but a quick forum search will bring them up ;)
I think we need to ban the word 'Ne.... Nem.....

No cant say it
lol yer would be nicer. makes me laugh in the shop i work at kids go up to a goldfish and go nemo! im like ohdear..
TBH only fish from the film you can keep in a 55 are clown fish, cleaner shrimp the rest are too big for that tank :) or have special needs.
I've always thought it funny after reading that female clown fish develop from a male after the previous female in the group dies off or leaves.

Marvin the dad should have been called Martha or Mary later in the film, or perhaps they could have cracked a few jokes about him going through the change!!! :D
Hope not, the soap would kill the fish! :lol:
I've always thought it funny after reading that female clown fish develop from a male after the previous female in the group dies off or leaves.

Marvin the dad should have been called Martha or Mary later in the film, or perhaps they could have cracked a few jokes about him going through the change!!! :D
In a film that hs a convention for non-piscivorous sharks you are bemoaning the lack of gender realignment in anemone fish? (note where the title of the film comes from when using the icthyological name for clowns?)
Just a thought, if you bought a daddy clownfish and a son eventually the two would hook up and have children of there own, you think its hard to explain to your kid now about how babies are made, try explaining why a father and son had children together. However the tang would not be the most difficult aspect of the nemo cast. If you plumb enought chemicals in you can keep ich down and be alright for a while, however Jaque and Peaches would be eaten by Bloat in a heart beat, and if that didn't happen Gill would die of improper diet. In a 55 gallon I'd say you are limited to Marlin and Nemo (two tank bred oscellaris clowns)the royal grama whos name I have forgotten Bubles (yellow tang) would be alright for a year or so, Jaque would be good too, perhaps the annoying butterfly would be good for a while too.
forget about the nemo stuff.......and can you guys help me on selecting a fish im tring to build a reef tank with some corals and anemones (if i can) im sure that im getting a pair of clown fish my LFS have some small clown fish wich i think is less than an inch so what else can i get with it ohhh and im getting a shrimp so wat else goes good with a pair of clown and a shrimp on a 55 gallon reef tank
Be sure to look at my post on Coelenterates. I put alot of work into that :drool:

There are hundreds - even thousands - of animals that can successfully coinhabit a tank with Clownfish. I suggest you do a lot of research on a website or preferably, a book instead of posting a million threads on the forum.

one of our clowns has a spakky fin..... we couldn't call him anything else but nemo! :lol: and no i won't hang my head in shame :p
Dale JR 808, you do understand how to look after a marine tank don`t you?
how it all works and how much work is involved

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