
No Problem Cory_Dad,

I do like to read about the Cory I am trying to keep or get from the first hand experience. And I don't have money to join the paid site either. So I don't mind to shape what I know or went through with fellow Cory keeper.

I think I have probably 70~80. It is really tough to know since I have more than few kind in the fry tank. And I try not to move them to tank to tank. I probably sell them till I only have like 20 left. And try to pick like 6 males and 3 females and keep them and see how long it takes for them to mature and spawn. And if the F1 is easier than the wild caught to breed.

No they are eating nothing special. I still feed some walter or banana worms but they get the ground dry food. I have few flakes and pellets mixed up in the pepper grinder that I cleaned really well and I have been using for years. And that is the food, all the fish in the tanks I have do get everyday.
Some breeding fish and adult fish get some frozen bloodworms now and then but frys don't get them. They get either walter or banana worms. I do feed BBS to Angel frys but I don't use for Cory frys since I read enough about the BS egg shell and stomach problem for tiny Cory. And they do just fine with some worm(micro, walter, banana) so I don't risk it although I hatch BBS everyday. The adult get some left over BBS since they are clearly way too big for the BS egg shell to plug their internal organs.

And about the picture, I can't help you right now. I just don't have new computer that can handle picture and my camera is not new enough either and they just don't let me post the picture. Even I did open the account with photo bucket. It just not happening.
But I will ask my buddy who are getting them next week to take pictures of them once they settle in. Of course, they better make the trip safely first.
That's some interesting information.

I've never heard of problems with BBS and Cory fry but that's no surprise... ;)

I've also never heard of 'walter or banana worms'. Interesting. I suppose any tiny worms are good for fry.

With mine, the staple is pre soaked Hikari First Bites and then ground up and pre soaked flakes so we're on the same page there.

That's too bad about your camera problem but I'll be patient. is free so no worries there.

It too (as you can tell) am excited to talk about Corys. I just love the little guys.

I read enough about the BS egg shell and stomach problem for tiny Cory. And they do just fine with some worm(micro, walter, banana) so I don't risk it although I hatch BBS everyday. The adult get some left over BBS since they are clearly way too big for the BS egg shell to plug their internal organs. - Quote edited by Coryologist.
Greetings. Might I recommend that you try decapsulated BS eggs to feed your Cory fry? They are less expensive than hatching eggs, higher in nutritional value than newly-hatched BBS, and eliminate the potential hazard of "egg shell syndrome." They are the main food in my fish room and I feed them to everything. Most Cory fry can consume them within 5 to 7 days of becoming free-swimming, some a bit sooner.

They are available through

Greetings. Might I recommend that you try decapsulated BS eggs to feed your Cory fry? They are less expensive than hatching eggs, higher in nutritional value than newly-hatched BBS, and eliminate the potential hazard of "egg shell syndrome." They are the main food in my fish room and I feed them to everything. Most Cory fry can consume them within 5 to 7 days of becoming free-swimming, some a bit sooner.

They are available through

Thanks Frank, I'll be on the lookout for them.

I am happy to say that the first shipping of these guys were successful although they were little smaller than the Corys I ship.(they were about 3/4"SL or 1" tip to tip)

I shipped 8 of them(with some other fish) with USPS Priority to my fish trading buddy in WI on Tuesday and he got them on Thursday morning. And they all made it fine but I was little worried about the Orange Lasers since 1) that was the first time I shipped them and 2) they were smaller than I shipped before.
Hopefully he can take some pictures of them for me so I can start shipping to other Cory nut in US.( I don't mind to ship wherever in the US but I just can't ship to other Country since all the rules and regulations this time of age, unfortunately.) It just too hard and I don't even know how much and how long it takes to be delivered.

I still have 60~70 of them but it sure like to get another batch. Especially when I see the big fat I mean healthy female in the group. :shifty:
Hopefully next generation is much easier to induce them to spawn. I guess I will keep some and see.
congrats i hope you do get abother baych but before you know it, you will have hundreds

good luck
congrats i hope you do get abother baych but before you know it, you will have hundreds

good luck
Thanks kpintheshed,

Yes, I too hoping that they give me another batch or 2 or 3 or more. :rolleyes:
And I do have hundreds of other Cory babies. But I think Orange Laser is pretty nice and I want more of them. But I don't think many are offered especially the F1 or tank bred.
Yes, there is one seller/importer selling them but they are most likely wild caught and he has the mixed feedbacks.

I know some people love the wild caught but I like F1 better. I do think F1 have better of both world. They would still have good gene and less worry about the disease they carry. And I think they would be easier to breed than Wild also.
just to let you know, Frank, I just used your refund to get some of the decasulated eggs where you suggested. Thanks! from me and our fish! :D
just to let you know, Frank, I just used your refund to get some of the decasulated eggs where you suggested. Thanks! from me and our fish! :D
Hi Sue. That's great. Just remember that they are extremely high in protein and if overused can lead to stunting, in my experience. Your mileage may vary. Additionally, if you are not doing so now and you add the decapped eggs to your feeding regimen, please be sure to feet them the occasional spirulina tablet as it helps keep their intestinal track "moving" - if you get my drift. There can actually be, "too much of a good thing."

Uh, you're going to need that money for "true" C. longipinnis, from me. lol. - Frank
I am now feeding the jarred decapsulated bbs, Frank. Is that the same? I also ordered some zooplankton flakes. Will that do?

Can you see the difference in the fish well, Frank? Do I want them or another. I have two new tanks to set up! :devil: :yahoo: But not much money
I am now feeding the jarred decapsulated bbs, Frank. Is that the same?
Yes, Sue. They recently changed the packaging.
I also ordered some zooplankton flakes. Will that do?
That's just more animal matter. You want phytoplankton, instead. Need some green leafy veggies in the diet. lol. Go with the spirulina. I guarantee that you will see a difference in your fish.
Can you see the difference in the fish well, Frank?
Very well. Mark Walters posted some pics on CW. Cracker Jacks! I haven't had time for pics, yet.
Do I want them or another.
Now, who can answer that, but you? lol. - Frank
Whatcha got?

Ok I will call them and see if I can change or add to the order. They all have lots of green water and moss etc--including the babies.

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