Finally Managed To Get Pictures Of The Flat Worm!

Polyclad flatform - I don't know tons about them, but probably best removed ASAP in most tanks. If you want to keep it, it's still best to isolate and figure out what it wants to eat as I have read many instances of similar-looking worms enveloping and eating snails and other CUC. To remove, try using a turkey baster. If it breaks, make sure to get all the bits, since they can sometimes turn into new worms.
see the images about 2 pages down under "Predatory Polyclad flatworm":
That is one cool/nasty/evil/awesome/scary/exciting looking 'thing'!
Thanks Donya, and @tom, thats the ONLY pictures I've been able to find of them apart from mine... MAybe now I know what it is, I can find more!

Removing it is gunna be tricky, this is the first time I've seen it since I first realised it was there a few months ago.. Ive been looking for it everytime I've got up to do a night feed with the baby!! SO FAR, it's not touched anything, but I will certainly be keeping a turkey baster right next to the tank from now on!

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