Finally got my piranha!

You have a Pygocentrus nattereri. It is still a juvemile. However, it will grow very rapidly.

W3lc0m3 t0 th3 p1ranha add1ct10n!!!

Brilliant fish, i would agree with a past post regarding getting 3 or more, i had 3 without any problems and little agression towards each other.

I am new here and i am trying to find out general information on my parahnas. I just got them and the pet shop employees looked like high schoolers and could tell me nothing. I have a 29 gallon tank and 5 small parahnas. i know later on that i will have to get rid of some or get more tanks. but until then can somebody tell me what is an excellent feeder fish for them right now i have 30 gold fish at a time that is what the pet shop recommended. out of the past 2 days that i have had the parahnas i have only seen 3 gold fish get killed. i have seen a parahna chase a gold fish every now and then but i think that the parahna gives up because the gold fish is to fast or something.So please if you could help me out please email me at [email protected]
and send me any other general information about them i don't know what type of parahna they are but i do know that they are feisty. When i got them from the pet store they put holes in the bag and almost fell on the ground while the pet shop associate was trying to put a rubberband on the bag. one has also tried to jump out of the tank when i opened it to feed the gold fish
nshockeyplaya said:
Yes, red bellied parhnas do exist. However they are illegal to import into the US, and are very rarely if ever seen. Getting that fish will proabbly be regretful, as they are not pleasent fish to keep. Oh ya good luck cleaning your tank :p

The pic doesnt work by the way, i have a feeling that someone tricked you and its a red bellied pacu. Since juvenile parahnas look nothing like adult ones. But well see when you fix the pic.
Just about every lfs I go to has RBP. My friend has 4, 10 inches and kept wiht xedons, and he is looking for black belly piranhas, I think thats what he called them.
The best shop in the area does RBPs. Only £8.99 each.... Shame I don't have a big tank and even if I did, I'm sure my mum won't want a tankful of pirahnas in my room...
Careful what you put with them!! My BF had 6 baby piranhas with a crab and they were fine for several months then one day they just ate the crab :/

I actually found them suprisingly boring! I thought they'd be swimming around trying to kill anything and everything but they mainly just sat there doing nothing!! It was nothing like the movies :lol:

Nah, they're beautiful fish - I hope you have a big tank for him though :D
There quite cute to say they are not very nice fish.
I actually found them suprisingly boring! I thought they'd be swimming around trying to kill anything and everything but they mainly just sat there doing nothing!! It was nothing like the movies

red bellies are not to active, but if you get a S. compressus or an elongatus they will chase your finger at the glass trying to bite it!
You should get three or more P. nattereri. A sole nat will be somewhat boring. Two will be in constant battle for supremecy and three will even out the aggression towards one another. You could safely keep (3) of these red-belly piranha in a 55 for the duration of their lives.


I keeped 2 alone with no problems at all. 55 UK gallons is far to small for 3 RBP's for life !
A general guide is 50gallons for first 1, then 20 gallons for each additional.
I wouldnt recommend keeping 3 RBP's in anything under 100 gallons once they reach around 5-6" size.


I am new here and i am trying to find out general information on my parahnas. I just got them and the pet shop employees looked like high schoolers and could tell me nothing. I have a 29 gallon tank and 5 small parahnas. i know later on that i will have to get rid of some or get more tanks. but until then can somebody tell me what is an excellent feeder fish for them right now i have 30 gold fish at a time that is what the pet shop recommended. out of the past 2 days that i have had the parahnas i have only seen 3 gold fish get killed. i have seen a parahna chase a gold fish every now and then but i think that the parahna gives up because the gold fish is to fast or something.So please if you could help me out please email me at [email protected]
If your petshop recommended goldfish then he/she has not got a clue. Firstly goldfish have very little nutritional value and secondly goldfish carry lot of harmful parisites and diseases which they can pass on to the piranha.
You should be thinkin of getting at least a 125uk gallon tank as time goes on for the 5 p's to grow into.
Depending on the size has a big bearing on how much and what to feed them.
If they are under 5" you should really look at feeding them maybe 4 times aday, giving half a lancefish at each feed. If they eat all the lancefish straight away start giving them more at a time but less often. (thats half a lancefish per piranha)
If they are over 5" but under 9" i would feed once aday basically 5x 7" piranhas wanna have half a large whitefish fillet per day.Obviously watch to see how they eat it, if they savage it then try slightly more, besure to check for any uneaten food.
Once they get over the 9" mark they will probly need feed just 2 maybe 3 times per week.
hehe! I'll be at Anfield in the fog tonight if it's clear enough! With football and fish I'm skint! Both well worth it though :lol:

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