Finally Got My Dwarf Puffers!


Sep 28, 2009
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Hey guys,

I finally got my dwarf puffers:D
There in my 10g with a striped yo yo loach.
I will have pictures of them up soon.:D
There is this problem though.When i went there i got bloodworms and feed them they ate fast. but i realized im really alergic to blood worms but its the only thing theyll eat.I woke up this morning and i was like dying lol. Ive tried flakes but i knew they wouldnt work . ive tried Brineshrimp. not even a nibble. but when i put the blood worms in they gobble em down!
What can i do?


Hey guys,

I finally got my dwarf puffers:D
There in my 10g with a striped yo yo loach.
I will have pictures of them up soon.:D
There is this problem though.When i went there i got bloodworms and feed them they ate fast. but i realized im really alergic to blood worms but its the only thing theyll eat.I woke up this morning and i was like dying lol. Ive tried flakes but i knew they wouldnt work . ive tried Brineshrimp. not even a nibble. but when i put the blood worms in they gobble em down!
What can i do?



try wearing gloves or something then.
they will not even attempt to eat anything other than bloodworm.
ive kept 4 dwarf pygmy puffers and they wer the same.
would only eat bloodworm and nothing else.

but just try wearing gloves when u feed them the bloodworm so it dont spur on your allergy.
Ya i tired the glove thing. it works pretty good.

Ya they dont even touch the BS only the BW.

Ill have some pics up later my camera being stupid lol :)
Ive got one male and im thinking female for the other one.
Anone have any pics of there DP's?
I'm jealous. I'm still about 10 days out from getting mine. Tank still cycling. :rolleyes:

Let's see those pics.
With time you may find you can train your puffs to eat other things. Mine love live brine shrimp and live bloodworms and will eat enriched frozen varieties of foods too :)
Mine love both live bloodworm and live brine shrimp, they go potty for it!
I also have frozen bloodworm which they will take but the worms are a big big for them yet as they still tiny,
Ive also tried frozen krill (defrosted) which they loved but it was a bit messy so keep that for once a fortnight lol!
[font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]Besides bloodworms my puffer also eats mysis shrimp. I use the frozen variety for both and substitute with live snails. [/size][/font]

[font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]The mysis shrimp were a suggestion from my local aquarium store. To get my puffer to eat them I had to get him used to them first: I added a very small amount of the frozen shrimp to the bloodworm meals for several days. On the third day I tried feeding a full meal of only mysis shrimp and my puffer devoured them. Since that day I have been alternating between the two frozen foods and the live snails.[/size][/font]

[font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]What could also help your puffers to get used to new foods is feeding from and eyedropper. I feed my puffer from a 5ml plastic eyedropper (CVS sells them as part of a "Cold Kit"). I put the bits of frozen food in the eyedropper, take in aquarium water with it and than pump out the thawed blooworms or shrimp. With a bit of practice you can pump each one out separately. The speed they shoot out of the eyedropper with adds interest for my puffer. He loves to chase the worms or shrimp and "hunts them down". [/size][/font][font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]Tiny as he is, he is a true predator.[/size][/font] [font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]A great side-effect is that I can stop feeding when I see he had enough. This way the amount of uneaten food soiling the aquarium is minimized. Puffers are very messy eaters and every bit of control helps to keep the water quality up. [/size][/font]

[font="Arial Narrow][size="3"]Hope that helped. Enjoy your new puffer pets![/size][/font]
Ok well this morning i tried mixing the bloodworms and the Brineshrimp. Yeh didnt really work thay great lol.
Right when it plopped into the tank they went straight for the bloodworms not the brineshrimp. The bigger puff tried the brineshrimp alittle but i dont think he likes it. Ive noticed that there very percise on which worm they want when it goes into the tank. its funny one will be going for a worm then stop and turn around and go for another.There so cute :blush:

But i do have one Question.

After there feeding in the moring and when i feed them at night it looks like there stomach has sunken in and looks like they arent eating.
is this normal?
try shredded prawns or cockles (not pickled) when i kept them i know they used to eat prawns
scot :)
It is suggested, as most seem to have some type of internal parasite. The sunken belly is usually a sign. Slim stomach is okay just means time to feed. I can't remember the name of the medication off the top of my head I'll see if I can search and find it. Are you in the US or UK?
It is suggested, as most seem to have some type of internal parasite. The sunken belly is usually a sign. Slim stomach is okay just means time to feed. I can't remember the name of the medication off the top of my head I'll see if I can search and find it. Are you in the US or UK?
Im in Canada actually lol.
And ya i usually when i feed them there bellies look filled. but when its time for the next feeding its like they havent eaten.
Ive got this stuff called maracide.
would this work to get rid of worms?

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