Finally featuring... the Six!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Well I finally got up the guts to redo the 6 gallon after the huge mess it had become - tried plants, plants died, parasite problems, algae issues, blah blah blah. :crazy: Anyways, yanked up the dying plants, added some plastic, and rearranged things a bit. Also removed about 1/2 - 2/3 of the gravel and completely scrubbed out the tank. Much nicer now!! :thumbs: Now I just hope I don't have a minicycle... *crosses fingers*.

Here's before:


  • 6gallonbefore.jpg
    29.1 KB · Views: 30
Looks much better sweetie! :nod:

...and yes, she does have very pretty tanks! :D
Thank you guys. :*) :wub: I can't have big tanks so I try very hard to make my little tanks as cool as possible. :D

Here are some of the platies in there - These are the big macho boys :flex: !! One of which was a female when I got him... :rolleyes: That's a red twinbar on the left, and a gold twinbar on the right (who I think is absolutely GORGEOUS)!

Edit: Ope, looks like my female cherry barb snuck in there too... fatty. :p


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Here is mommy platy... my Marigold Mickey Mouse. :wub: I think she's spectacular too. Her two babies are growing up to look just like her, I'm very excited! :thumbs:


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And one more, I've posted this pic before - but for those of you who haven't seen her, here is my newest, and most unique platy. She's pretty darned cool, I hope she has some kiddos. :D I'm also proud to say she has gained a lot of weight since this pic, I was afraid she might have parasites but she's coming along quite nicely. :wub: Nice to see what good food and water can do for a fish.


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Tee hee....look at all the girly fish!!! :p So CUTE!!! :wub: Oh wait a minute....I think I already made this mistake once.... :unsure:

Oh yeaaaaaah......I have girly fish too..... :blush:

Very pretty platys baby! :wub: (better than mine.... :X )

OoOoOoo....I missed the last one! That is my favorite! Bring it to me! MINE! :hyper:
Oh drat!
I was all prepared to tell you that the real plants are worth doing and it looks better when they are real.... Well, picture number two proves me wrong. Everything looks great AND much improved sooooo.. you can have the plastic plants - they look more real then the real (dying) thing. :D


And as always, your platties are the best! :wub:
:lol: Haha, alaska I thought real was the way to go too, until they all started dying because of the meds and such. I also found out the hard way that this tank isn't good for growing live. :sly: Hmph. Oh well, it does look much better doesn't it? :p I'm sure I'll try live again someday, I just have a choice few now. Java fern rocks. :lol:
The tank looks stunning, Julie! Excelent job! It looks 10 times better! STOTM for sure! I love your platties as well! :wub:
:*) Yey, a STOTM - Thank you so much Ron!! :D

Thank you everyone for the compliments, I'm glad you guys like it. I definitely feel better about it now. It's right next to the head of my bed, so now I actually enjoy looking into it when I'm layin there. :p

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