Final Size Of Albino Bronze Cory In Community Tank

stackem evs

Fish Fanatic
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
Woking, Surrey, England
Hi, Have a 45gal community tank, slowly filling after fishless cycle, 1 shoal or part per week. I have been looking at Albino Bronze Corries down my lfs. I have a fine substrate, but well planted.

Size at lfs about 5-6cm, very helpful staff (do they just tell you what you want to hear???), tell me they won't get much bigger. One of the books looking at say will grow to about 9cm. Which I'm concerned may be a bit big for a small shoal. Looking at a minimum of 4, ideally 6.

Would you expect them to get that big?
The Albino Bronze cories [ Albino Aeneus] size 5-6 cm [2-2.5 inch] pretty much full grown cory. I never see them that large [9 cm] most likly will stay 5-6 cm. The Albino Aeneus full grown 5-6 cm size it is the length of the fish long and the body still prety much slim body. It is plenty living space for them in 45 gal, and most of the time cory will stay at the bottom of the tank.

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