Fin Rot

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2004
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i think i just encountered my first disease. my dalmation molly has a tear in his fin so erring on the side of caution (as he seems to like the bototm of the tank a little too much) i got some melafix and added that to the water after a water change (which was needed anyway). he seems to be swimming around happily enough.

what i want to know is, how long will it take for the melafix to do it's job? how often should i be changing the water with the melafix in?
Ive never had to deal with fin rot b4 so i don't really know, But I know that Carbon in the filter will Useally Cripple most medications making them useless. I dont know what carbon does to melafix but it could end up crippling it. :S
i;ve taken my carbon sponge out anyway cos it advised to on the bottle (sort of a just in case). wont it dry out hte good bacteria though?>
Keep the cartrige in a bucket of tank water. I would think that would keep it alive.

I am also going through fin rot at the moment. I noticed 2 of my male guppies fins were jagged and upon closer inspection this morning I saw white around the edges so I knew it was fin rot and I've started treating for it. I sure hope it goes away as I love my little guppies :wub:

Well good luck!! :thumbs:
I think I am dealing with fin rot as well right now. I am afraid to add melafix because it always kills off some of my good bacteria. Please post if that happens to your tank when you are done using it.
well it's been only a few hours and my little fishie looks better. the split in his fin's not down to his body anymore. :kana:
thats great that he's looking better. my fish just got fin rot so i added some medication that came in a five day tablet form. its been a week and he still doesnt look better but he doesnt look worse either, maby if he gets any worse ill try what you used.

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