Fin Rot


New Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Chatteris, Cambridgeshire. UK

I've had my 3 Cherry Barbs just over a week and 3 days ago I had to start treatment for 'white spot' and now 4 days into the treatment I notice 2 of the fish have fin rot! I enquired on the forum whether I could still change the water during the treatment and it was suggested that I shouldn't. Now I've come across the fin rot problem I'm really unsure as to what to do. Instincts tell me to do a water change. Any suggestions? How much of this could be bad tank conditions and how much bad fish stock from the LFS??

Many thanks

Geoff :S
Do a water change, about 45%. Fin rot is normally caused by bad water conditions but also fighting. Have you seen fighting or aggressive behaviour in your tank? What is your water levels?

thanks I'll do that ;)

I've got a male and 2 females, the male has been chasing the females a lot, I assumed that was to be expected! As for water levels I'm not kitted out with the appropriate stuff for that. Could you advise what's best to get.

I'm off to do the water change now.

Many thanks ;)

If you want to get your water checked sometimes at your LFS they check it for free. That where I get my water checked anyway. I do want to buy the testing kit myself but it so expensive over here.
Almost all diseases and parasites are caused by bad water conditions.

In the case of white spot, the parasites are always there, it's just that when you stress the fish out, they succumb to the parasites due to a weakened immune system. Same thing for fin rot.

I'd suggest the water change.

What are you doing for the ich? Have you upped the temp and everything?

I also suggest getting melafix to help (not cure) and to buy a quarantine tank so sick newcomers don't add diseases to the tank again.

I've done the water change. The fish seem rather docile and are hanging around the bottom of the tank a lot - I guess they're stressed out. As for temperature, I've been keeping it at around 27-29 max. Do you suggest I up it? I'm using Protozin to treat the Ich, by the way.



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