Fin Rot/cycling


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Columbus, OH
We just got back home after being gone for 4 days since Spartacus's last water change. His fin rot has gotten worse. He's starting to resemble a Crown tail a little bit. However, I finally got a Nitrite reading! My 5 gallon tank is finally starting to cycle!!! biggrin.gif

I bet it started cycling because of the lack of water changes during the last 4 days. Someone from another forum told me to change 50% daily, but I feel now that is what prolonged the cycle. So, is there a way I could still treat Spartacus without doing any more water changes until the tank cycles and I start getting Nitrate readings? Are there any meds I can use that won't upset the biological cycle? Melafix/Pimafix? Maracyn 1 and 2?

Ammonia reading is .50 ppm
Nitrite reading is .50 ppm
Nitrate is still 0ppm

I also noticed this morning, the he's either lost several scales on his head, or it's hole in head....not real sure what it is.
There's a good chance that being in a cycling tank is contributing to the finrot problem. Water quality is of prime importance for a healthy betta.

Melafix should have minimal effect on the cycling of the tank, the problem lies in the very nature of cycling. In order to allow the bacteria to grow we allow the ammonia / nitrite to build up. But from the fishes point of view this is bad.

Regular small water changes are preferable to 50% ones during cycling. If you've been doing 50% every other day maybe try a smaller change every day. Even a couple of litres each day should alleviate things a bit. I'd leave the 50% to once a week at most while cleaning the tank of waste. Some people make a point of changing a jug of tank water each day, that's what I would try.
I agree with Glod. It will be difficult to treat with the tank still cycling.
Melafix and Pimafix are a 7 day treatment and the water needs changing when the treatment is over. Having to do daily water changes to combat your nitrite and ammonia problems means that the treatment won't have a chance to work properly.
As for the hole in the head, not entirely sure what it could be. Try posting in the Emergencies section and you may have more joy.

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