Fin Rot And Dead Otto


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Hi all

i have been treating my tank as one of my tetras has fin rot. I have been using Myxazin by waterlife and i am now on the fith day of treatment. The finrot does not seem to be getting better and to make it worse i came home from work today to find ome of my ottos dead :-( all the other tank ihabitants seem fine, the airation is turned up too the max and i have reduced feed to help the treatment.

1, why is the treatment not working, and shouild i carry on the treatment or stop after the five days?

2, any ideas why the otto died as he seemed fine yesterday, the other two i have seen fine?

any help would be great
Need to look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
How bad are the fins.
The oto did he look bloated, any symtoms to go on.
Once finrot really advances you need antibiotic.
I would add some melfix with the waterlife med.
Not tested water yet going to do that soon, i think the fin rot is quite bad on the tetra as it covers most of the lower half of the tail fin. I have some melafix i didnt know you couild use the two medications together.

How long should i continue treating as i only thought you could treat for five days at a time with myxazin?

About the otto hs looked fine even when he was dead!! i did not realise he was dead for a while untill he didnt move for some time! no signs of bloating or a disscoloration. I have heard that ottos are prone to dying with no explination.

i will post water stats when i have tested.

thanks for the help wilder :good:
Yes you can use melafix with bacterial meds, I am at the moment.
Follow the instructions on the waterlfie med, do a water change, and just start again on the myxazin.
Uk meds are not strong have to catch things early.

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