Filter Queries

I have seen quite a few "E" series heaters behind the counter of several LFS in open boxes looking like they have been returned as faulty, Mine still keep on going OK for over a year now (queue overnight failure)
The biggest gripe was the E series couldn't maintain steady temp if the room temp dropped, think this problem was more significant in bigger tanks.
Sorry updates have been a bit slow but someone (me) got an Xbox One for Christmas. Xbox was a big disappointment but that's beside the point. Swapped all my plants out to the new tank today, turns out i did under estimate the substrate. Going to have to go tomorrow and get another 2 bags.
So I've accidentally started a fish in cycle, I moved a bit of wood from the old setup to the new. Turns out there was a BNP and 2 armano shrimp still attached to it. Done a trip to B&Q to lift some timber to reinforce the cabinet and P@H for yet another 2 bags of black/grey sand. Shut down the heater, filter then drained the tank to get the cabinet out. Noticed a slicky looking substance on the surface of the water so I'm guessing the built in surface skimmer isn't doing its job. Got the cabinet sorted and painted, added the sand, bogwood, plants and 2 ornaments my wife likes. Had the tank filled again before I noticed the BNP, when I was trying(badly)to catch him I noticed the 2 shrimp darting around. There's no chance of catching the 3 and I'm more or less expecting 2 dead shrimp in the morning. Is there any chance the BNP could survive an uncycled tank? I know commons are hardy but unsure if the same applies. On the upside my tank is 95% finished as far as decoration is concerned. The current created by the filter is a tad powerful for my small crypts to the front of the tank but very little movement in the plants i have in the 2 rear corners of the tank. Gonna figure out this pic posting and hopefully I've got the balls to show off my nearly fishless tank. My wife reckons It's good enough to enter T,O,M, but I think she feels obligated to say it.
In regards to the filters non drip easy clean system, this appears to be non existent. I was putting some old media into filter so I powered down the filter, removed it from the cabinet and turned the flow off via the hose control then easily removed the inlet and outler. On doing this I received a small but powerful splash in the face, I gather this was pressurised water trapped between the canister and hose. In APS defence it was clean but very wet and almost drip free considering it was more of a gush. Lucky escape in the end seeing as I haven't yet tidied my electrics and the extension lead was sitting beside the filter.
LOL @ "small but powerful splash in the face"

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