Hi. Story in brief. Had 2 x 5" oscars causing havoc (and alot of damage) in my 100gallon tank.....they are now in a new home. The tank looked pretty bare without them, just 4 fish remained. 1 x 10" oscar, a large tinfoil barb about 8", a 10" sailfin plec and a 10" pangasius cat. So, bit the bullet, they are going tomorrow, and am reverting to a mixed community prior to introducing discus after my wedding in Sept. As you can see, I had around 48" of fish, and very hungry/messy ones at that. I can't stock that many tomorrow, and besides I don't expect these fish will produce anywhere near as much waste as the old ones. The new fish will be in place after an hour or so, I am doing a 50% water change later to freshen up the tank for them. My concern is that my filters may become "starved" and as such die to some degree. I have no experience of down-sizing stock wise, nor of the affect this may have on the biological process. Could anyone offer any advice please? Thanks