Filter help -Alex


New Member
May 5, 2020
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Olds Alberta
I have an aqua-tech 5-15 filter and my betta was getting stuck to it I think? It looked like he got pulled in, he swam away pretty fast it wasn’t resting on it but it just looked like he got sucked so I cut a water bottle in half and stuck the water tube in the hole of the bottle and cut small holes in it,but then it didn’t seem like it was sucking anything up so I did some more research and put some decorations in front of it and it’s not sucking the plants or anything so I’m getting a little frustrated I have a 10 gallon tank btw I also have an African dwarf frog with my betta I need some help please I just want my babies to live their happiest longest life
I would suggest getting a sponge filter :) bettas seem to often get stuck on filter intake tubes.

On the African dwarf frog: keep a very close eye on you betta, many betta fish seem to be fine with tankmates for months or years, but one day they just switch. My betta was fine with fish for months. One day he just switched and killed them all. This has happened to many other members as well.

Also, African dwarf frogs have a very hard time finding food, poor eyesight etc. make sure that you use tweezers or something to get the food down to him so he doesn't starve
Awsome thank you! I keep a close eye on my betta just because I’ve read and Hurd stories that they can switch. As for my African dwarf frog I take him out of the big tank and put him in a cup or some thing to feed him
I had two frogs in with my betta a few years ago and one day found one of the frogs clamped onto the betta's tail and he was swimming round frantically. I had to set up my quarantine tank, divide the filter media and move the frogs. They lived the rest of their lives in the QT. The frog must have mistaken the betta's tail for food.
I agree. I have seen many frogs try to get at bettas tails. They are just to bright and colorful to resist.

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