Filter And Heater Turned Off For 4 Hours


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
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I realised this evening that the power to my aquarium had been off for 4 hours due to a problem with the extension lead I am using.
It is all running fine now but after testing I realised that the ammonia and nitrate were at 0.50ppm. My 5 tetra seem fine and aren't gasping for air etc... I carried out a 50% water change to bring the levels down and used Seachem Prime when adding the new water.
My concern is that I am going away for a week on Monday and I am hoping that this mini cycle will end. Is there anything else I can do to help? How long will a mini cycle like this last - I am worried that I have killed all of the bacteria in the filter.
Thanks in advance.
4 hours would have not put you into a mini cycle. Lack of oxygen due to the filter making no surface ripples would make them gasp.
Something else would cause the ammonia spike.
rebeledd said:
Apologies - I mean nitrite
No problem! :)

When did you carry out your last test before the power cut? How long has the tank been set up?

Water changes are the way to go so keep on where appropriate.
I carried out the last water change 3/4 days ago. The tank has been set up for 2 months now. I added fish about 3 weeks ago. My concern is that I go away on Monday and the fish won't cope.
I cycled using pure ammonia and monitored the levels everyday. The tank was fully cycled before I put fish in.
I think you should be fine. I doubt, as T says, you have started a mini cycle in such short a time. Just test again tomorrow and Sunday. If all is ok then cool. If not then carry out water changes.
Thank you. What percentage water changes would you do if I do need o
change the water?
I think it really depends on the level of ammonia/nitrite found. As you seem a little concerned I'd do 25% tomorrow and sunday regardless and if you have elevated stats do 50%. I'd be more worried about the nitrite though.
4 hours should be fine, just keep an eye on everything while you can though :)
Our power was off for 7 hours the other day and I had a mini panic. Thankfully, all was fine :)
I have seen nitrite spikes come and go within 24 hours before so you should be ok.

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