Filling my tank


New Member
Sep 13, 2004
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hello i have a 10 g its not cycled or anything yet cuz im still trying to decide what to put in it. Does anyone have any ideas? Im gonna put in real plants to probably only Java moss. Any suggestions would be great!!!

Do you plan on cycling the tank with or without fish?

Your options are:
Neon tetras

Those are the most-commonly kept fish in 10 gallon tanks.
small gourami, otocinclus, other small tetras, and cherry barbs could also work. (not all of them!)
My vote would be for smaller Tetras, say 6 or so(pristella or neons are my fav) and Corydoras, 3 or 4 OR one betta and an ADF or something. What sort of fish do you like anyway?

I have 3 danios, 3 cardinal tetras, and a cory (which i got today :D ) I had the zebra danios for a week, then 3 cardinals, then 2 days later the cory, they seem very happy
Cories should be kept in groups of 3+ and IMO danios need more room for their love of zippy swimming. This goes for some tetra IMO. I agree with Tempestuousfury for the most part, although you will be overrun with livebearers if you are not careful.
Thankz 4 the replies. I do like tertas esepically neons. I don't like ADF at all! I have 1 male betta currantly ( hes blueish,greenish) I wouldn't mind guppys or Balloon Mollies. I would be interested in getting to know corys and danios. I dont know anything about cherry barbs but ill do some reserch. I With that info does anyone have a tank set up?

Thankz again!
\ Well best bet would be smaller fish

That are easy to take care of and get along !!

Mollies If get couple (will breed alot ) do like sum salt in water
Platies Same
Guppies Same may not get along with betta
SwordTails Same

cory cats they stay small 1-2 inch
alge eater a must have (eat junk and cleans)

Zebra danio's

Loaches the small ones


Good Luck jerry
Is it possible to put in angle fish (small ones)? With any livebearers or is that a nono?
It's possible but your tank is way, way too small for angels I am afraid. :no: I still advise against danios, they are small but like room to swim.

jerryjr569, not all cories are that small, bronze and albino (for example) get much bigger, and higher and fatter. Alage eaters are not really essential but otos would be a good choice for the small community tank and they have the bonus of being algae eaters.

Livebearers should be kept (if both sexes kept) with a ratio of 3 females to each male to stop harassment. Then think about 3 females having fry every 4 or so weeks, and 20 fry a time... :crazy:

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