Fish Herder
It's normal state schooling for the most part, I think they base quite a bit of the curriculum on New Zealand's...English is the first language so English is the taught language
Families do need to find money for fees though which I find disgraceful (primary ~ F$60, secondary ~ F$150 a term) and exercise books, stationary etc...no money no school...
In Levuka there are several schools, the primaries are LPS, Delana (methodist), Marist (catholic), secondary's are LPS, Delana (methodist), St Johns College (Catholic)
My wife's family is poor as are most, but one of my niece's is managing to attend University, she's just finishing her foundation year there using the equivalent of her Mum/Dad's NI contribs to support it , then it's Fiji School Of Medicine I think, she wants to be a doctor...hopefully she'll be getting a bursary for the remainder of her tuition feeds.
Families do need to find money for fees though which I find disgraceful (primary ~ F$60, secondary ~ F$150 a term) and exercise books, stationary etc...no money no school...
In Levuka there are several schools, the primaries are LPS, Delana (methodist), Marist (catholic), secondary's are LPS, Delana (methodist), St Johns College (Catholic)
My wife's family is poor as are most, but one of my niece's is managing to attend University, she's just finishing her foundation year there using the equivalent of her Mum/Dad's NI contribs to support it , then it's Fiji School Of Medicine I think, she wants to be a doctor...hopefully she'll be getting a bursary for the remainder of her tuition feeds.