Fighting Bettas?

Yes I think you're right about that one. I posted to a deer hunting forum with a question about deer health and aging as some of those guys know so much more about them then many formally educated naturalists....I found many of them are really disgusted by various hunting practices that have come into being...hunting from a car at night by shining them with flashlights was one of the worst they cited. Some of the guys were mad about this man who baited the deer with apples then waited in a stand with his little kid...
You've entered hot button territory here when you discuss overpopulation of deer, hunting,
and all that. The fact is our own over population, the elimination of natural predators, and habitat are at issue--and each have their own counter argument like wolves and cougars had to be eliminated so farmers could keep livestock and be safe on their own property...etc etc..... We have bounties on coyotes around here. So--nothing is an easy answer to me--black and white. If deer overpopulate they starve and that's a hard, cold fact. How one changes that and what the alternatives are to deer overpopulation are emotionally loaded issues and a matter of science in some cases---relocation, sharpshooters,whatever....don't mean to hijack the thread but to so that what we understand as the natural world has changed and how our culture is becoming urbanized, removed from it...just to throw a few thoughts your way....
how cud u watch lovely fish like bettas fight till there both ragged and dieng.. i find it a bit sick :sick:

lucky for all of us, traditional betta fighters never allow their prize ($200 or more!) fighters be demolished to the point that they're both "ragged and dying" ;) its only stupid people who don't know what they're doing that let bettas be killed in the ring. since most non-traditional betta fighters (see: teenaged western boys) do fall into that particular class of stupid, most other members of western society are completely misinformed about the true risks and dangers of betta fighting. :p thus most of us don't advocate the start-up of "betta fight clubs" while simultaneously we do not condemn cracker and other East Asian members for raising betta fighters. :nod:
If you owned an Island, and wanted to help breed a species of animal that would be best suited to that climate and enviroment, what would you do? I'd take several males and several females, place them on the island and wait to see after generations which seemed to be best suited. I think fish fighting, as an effort to find out which male has the more agressive/dominant genes, sounds perfectly reasonable. Not to the point of death, no, and not to the point of severe damage, But I know on many horse farms, they'll leave the colts together until they're 2-3 and by then, the testosterone is kicking in and fights break out.

I think in general, we as Americans tend to place Moral values on a pedastal, and don't think to look at the naturalness of things. Yes, religion plays a big part in it, being soft hearted plays another... hell, I've seen people put scotch tape on the bottoms of cats feet to laugh at their reactions. Is this 'right'? No. does it harm the animal? Maybe it stress's them out for a few minutes, but no, it doesnt. And yet when it happens I'll stick up for the cat. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is it's a mixed fence, and i think most things would be okay, if done within reason, and by knowledgeable people.
Fighting is within a betta's nature at least but scotch tape on feet isn't within a cat's and therein lies the difference in that example. Don't let me know these peoples' names or I will report them for cruelty to animals. I hope you don't hang around with them....and they aren't the owners of the cats...You deserve to be in better company than this.
I notice that I had to edit my earlier comment. Somehow I reasoned that we only had one head for lisie to pat. :hyper: :lol:

pica_nuttalli: Many of the boys in the group home where I work would like nothing better than to put a Siameese Fighting Fish in with the 12" house pet Oscar to watch what happens (as long as someone else pays of course.) So I believe that for the most part it is teenage boys of all races that pull these ill advised stunts.

Nevetheless, I am not convinced that all Betta fighting enthusiasts in the States are as concientious as cracker. Just as shooting endangered Alaskan game from helocopters seems less than sporting to me, I am saddened that pitbull, cock, and Betta fighting may/do include enthusiasts that let the animals destroy one another and take pleasure in the suffering. If folk can make a profit from the enterprise, it happens, I believe. Sorry, but I cannot always assume the best about human nature.


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Mr. Chia, what an excellent web site. Yes, God Bless Singapore, and God Bless us Everyone to quote Tiny Tim. You have an outstanding Gallery and Barracks. :drool:

Thank you for your input.
Hi Brian & Jolly Sue,

God bless America and the Philippines!!!

I'm sure bettas feel pain, the same way they would feel itchy & scatchy when they have infections of their epithelium (outer skin).

According to the following BBC news report, fish do feel pain.

Bettas are for aesthetic appreciation. We should all have mercy on bettas and discourage the primitive blood sport.

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