Fighting Betta Fish.


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Bay, WI
i'm a resident assistant on campus, so i'm in a dorm with a bunch of freshmen. i went into the louge of our building, and some of my residents were fighting their betta fish against each other. needless to say, i couldn't do anything about it, but i thought it was mean.
wow that sucks. last year, we had a themed night at the dining hall where they gave away feeder fish and tiny tiny jars. a bunch of people got them on my hall and after a few days got bored and joined them together in a plastic bin in the lounge. their water had not been dechlorinated, there was no filter, and lots of uneaten food rotting away at the bottom.
i was so upset that i took the 3 live goldies and left the dead one for my hallmates to see and released them in this goldfish pond we have on campus.

i swear, college students (i guess not me :D )though with their bettas and feeder goldfish are just not that on top of it. :/ are you sure there is nothing you could have done about it?? i'm getting all steamed up about it over here.
wow that sucks. last year, we had a themed night at the dining hall where they gave away feeder fish and tiny tiny jars. a bunch of people got them on my hall and after a few days got bored and joined them together in a plastic bin in the lounge. their water had not been dechlorinated, there was no filter, and lots of uneaten food rotting away at the bottom.
i was so upset that i took the 3 live goldies and left the dead one for my hallmates to see and released them in this goldfish pond we have on campus.

i swear, college students (i guess not me :D )though with their bettas and feeder goldfish are just not that on top of it. :/ are you sure there is nothing you could have done about it?? i'm getting all steamed up about it over here.

well, we can tell them to stop but we can't do anything about it. we're not allowed to confiscate items from the residents.
go to the highest authority you can
and get the fishes confiscated
kick up the biggest fuss in the world
That's so cruel! :-(

I agree with Catxx, kick up a stink and get the poor guys moved.

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