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I have a question... If you are 17 and you were born in 1983 (as your profile says), and I am 22 and I was born in 1983....

and so the plot thickens

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
Sherlock Holmes

Oh well, as the poster's age decreases, the size of his tank increases... Lucky man, I only wish I could say the same. 5 years knocked off my age and 20 gallons added to my tank- that would be just the ticket. :lol:

Convict, there is no shame in saying: I realise I was wrong, I will take your advice. If you did not realise betta fights were wrong and cruel to the fish- well, you can admit to it and do things differently in the future.

But to keep shifting your ground all the time, and offering conflicting information, well, it's not exactly confidence-inspiring, you know? How can we know you've got any fish at all if your story keeps changing all the time? And why should we waste our time giving advice on a set-up that may be non-existent?

People on this forum give up their time to help others- and to help the fish. You can learn a lot if you choose to stay on the forum and accept its basic aims: to work for the fish's wellbeing. If you are not prepared to do this, then there is not a lot we can do for you.
i put that i was born in 1983 because i wasnt sure if i would b able 2 get on the forum if i was 2 young. & i allso got a new tank . & i was @ first fighting my bettas then u guys said it was messed up so i was jus tryin 2 get sum help on makein my fish betta sorry 4 wastein ur time sayin all that extra bulkl but my fish realy did get hurt by another fish (not my betta) & i was slightly mislead about how good IAl is 4 the fish . i was told it makes them look better & all that stuff . & i realy did buy my own tank 7 fish & i had no clue about those master card things src was talkin bout ill look in 2 that but im trying 2 get a small tank 4 my betta now is thier sum thin i should put in its water or feed it 2 make its tails more full
Good on you, Convict, now it's going to be easier, both on you and the fish.

First of all, you don't need to be embarrassed about being young. A lot of our most knowledgeable members are only 14. Fishkeeping is all about how much you are willing to learn, not about who you are.

The bettas, as you will know by now, must be kept apart from each other.

For the betta's tail, does it actually looked ripped? There is some stuff called Melafix that should help with that. Make sure to keep his water clean (partial changes with dechlorinated water), as that will help with the healing. (Forum members: what do you reckon about salt for this one? I've never had a betta with a torn tail. Any other tips?)

If the tail is not damaged, then keeping the water clean and the betta on a healthy diet should help it look its best.
I am surprized at some of you all. I knew that was a young person by the first post. You know most people are mislead about bettas to start with. Most of them think they really are fighters until they get them and learn better. Atleast he admited to his mistake now I think the best thing everyone could do is try to help him now that he knows not to do it again. Now we need to help him get the betta well now instead of putting him DOWN...
Why are you suprised, Angel_Lady? By now you must know that its the normal attitude of certain people on this board...this is why I have joined another forum and am not posting here as much. Sorry, but somebody had to say it. But I guess every board has a few bad apples. Yes, bring on the criticism...*plugs ears*
Why are you suprised, Angel_Lady? By now you must know that its the normal attitude of certain people on this board...this is why I have joined another forum and am not posting here as much. Sorry, but somebody had to say it. But I guess every board has a few bad apples. Yes, bring on the criticism...*plugs ears*
It's an attitude like yours that we can do without. This thread was wrapping up nicely and everything has worked out for the fish. If you're speaking of what board I believe you're speaking of, I'm willing to put money on the table and say that if THIS particular topic was presented to "certain people" it would have turned into a close-minded,furious rage filled thread complete with name calling etc, and the fish would NOT be the winner. And you know this is true.
I have been here since March 2003 and this is the worst attack I have ever saw just by someone not understanding about bettas in general. I could tell from the first post that the kid made he did not understand that bettas wasnt supposed to fight. I will be the first one to admit that I didnt know squat about fish until I came here and the people was great to help me. And they didnt start attacking me from the start because I didnt do any reasearch about the fish and the whole cycling process. They guided me through it and then I started doing my own research and when I go to buy fish now I know all about them before I bring them home.. So I think the kid deserves the same manners that I got and others when they first started keeping fish.. That is the last thing he needs to hear now. He needs our help so please everyone just stop yelling at him and help him out.. :no:
Am I the only one who read the last few replies where everyone is thankful to him for doing what's right for the fish?

And AL, this is by no means the worst attack,that's laughable. The audacity of that statement. Maybe the betta forum's too rough for you? Not every bit of advice is delivered with the tickle of a feather.
First off, it's good you admitted to doing the wrong deed, that takes guts..especially once you've been called out....good for you on that.

Second, see, this is why we need those titles I mentioned in the Suggestion section.....people respond differently when they figure out they are talking to a kid..instead of an adult. Kids know it's ok to be kids and adults are warned that they are, infact, talking to children..not other adults.

Had people known he was 14 things might have gone a little it was he sounded like a thugged out teenager who was just being a lying punk (still not completely convinced..since he went into a whole speil about having a job, buying all those tanks and fish himself, and a few other things that still don't quite add up for me, ect...).

Third, I will say this, Lying will get you no where in life.
Once you have been discovered as a liar no one knows when they can truly believe you..and then when you do finally tell the truth...people don't know whether or not to trust you or what you say.

Just always remember that. Even when the Truth sucks..Lying will always be worse.
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