First off, it's good you admitted to doing the wrong deed, that takes guts..especially once you've been called out....good for you on that.
Second, see, this is why we need those titles I mentioned in the Suggestion section.....people respond differently when they figure out they are talking to a kid..instead of an adult. Kids know it's ok to be kids and adults are warned that they are, infact, talking to children..not other adults.
Had people known he was 14 things might have gone a little it was he sounded like a thugged out teenager who was just being a lying punk (still not completely convinced..since he went into a whole speil about having a job, buying all those tanks and fish himself, and a few other things that still don't quite add up for me, ect...).
Third, I will say this, Lying will get you no where in life.
Once you have been discovered as a liar no one knows when they can truly believe you..and then when you do finally tell the truth...people don't know whether or not to trust you or what you say.
Just always remember that. Even when the Truth sucks..Lying will always be worse.