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would you PLEASE speak english? perhaps you think you're being "cool" by writing in some bastardized slang, but you're not. if you actually expect people to help you, it would behoove you to write in a manner that is easily understood.

geez. i guess maybe you're not actually looking for help, because i gave you a simple solution that you fully ignored.
This person is:
- More than likely fighting bettas based on their own garbled, confusing words.
- Continually interested in IAL even though several people said it is not at all essential (probably because fighting sites say it is needed, and this person is more than likely fighting)
- Ignoring several people's suggestions of where to get it

I say we just bid this thread good-bye. I can't stand it when people come on acting for help, then blatantly ignore it.

Black convict, I ask yet again: Why do you need IAL? It is not essential to the survival of your bettas. In fact, unless you are breeding or intentionally fighting, I would say it probably isn't needed at all. It just gives them a little "boost" by making the conditions more similar to home. I'm sure you could get the same effect from feeding live foods or keepign the water very clean.
And, I asked if your other fish (which are still housed with one betta from what I understand?) would be ok in blackwater conditions. This you haven't answered. It would be useful info. If they are a species that doesn't like slightly acidic water, you could run into SERIOUS problems buying it.

I think someone also asked if you could find blackwater extract instead? Many LFS carry it, and it would be cheaper/more readily available than IAL.
Yeah, I guess the mom excuse should work in this type of story. My mom doesnt want to give me her Credit Card number because she still believes its not safe to do it. But anyways I really think that you shouldnt make your bettas fight because your going to end up with a dead betta anyways so your pretty much wasting your time. Just imagine it then you can get it for free and plus save your bettas life. Try gathering up your money and get the treatment yourself. They sell the meds in the LFS.

P.S I dont really understand the story anyways so if you guys get lost when you read my post its all my fault. :D

-Arrowhead ;)
im sorry that u cant understand me its jus the way i talk on line sorry bout that & i dont think im cool & i did check out that web sight it was good ill try that & im not fightin my bettas i think thats mad foul 2 do things like that i jus read on sum sight that it makes thier tail fuler & it makes them look better & their color brighter sorry bout the misunder standing & i thought it was good 4 the fish from wat u guys are sayin i dont realy need it but sorry 4 all the missunderstandings
Thanks for making an effort to make your writing more understandable; I'm sure you'll get better responses now that we can tell what y'all are saying.
I edited my other post, mentioning the possibility of blackwater extract, as well as some concern about blackwater or IAL in regards to the betta still in a community tank. Just some things to consider if you do come across some.
What chain is your LFS? I think that Pet Supplies Plus carries the blackwater extract. Just make sure your betta's tankmates won't be harmed by it, first.
Your cool if you own bettas... :lol: ... It should be a trend for the world. If you own bettas you can sit at the cool table... hahaha. I'm not really sure there are cool tables at my school. Maybe im already sitting on it. lol... JK. Today im just so cocky. :lol: ... :p ...
o & 1 betta is in a medium sized tubawear (with holes) & im waiting 4 a 2.5 gallon tank 2 come in so i can guy it @ the petstore

o well thiers sevreal pet stores in the area all within 3-4 miles thiers a family owned 1 patshanty a petco & a petsmart
o & 1 betta is in a medium sized tubawear (with holes) & im waiting 4 a 2.5 gallon tank 2 come in so i can guy it @ the petstore

o well thiers sevreal pet stores in the area all within 3-4 miles thiers a family owned 1 patshanty a petco & a petsmart

Lucky... I have to drive to get to my petstores. There like a billion miles away, not including the street lights. :D
:lol: @ my mom throwing money at me..I sure wish she would lmao.

Anyway, I do think that was a little out of line SRC. Lots of parents aren't very enthusiastic about giving out their credit card numbers online, so in this case the "mommy" excuse could be very valid.

I just fail to see how someone can have a job, and not have a debit card, or atleast a checking account (you only have to be 15 to get a checking account..I've had one since 15 myself). Having a checking account gives you access to Paypal, which most online places take and in the off chance they don't, Paypal even has a debit card themselves..and it's free, just like their service.
You can even buy those pre-paid Mastercards at Wal-mart, and gas stations, (you just buy a certain dollar amount (they are re-chargable too)'s not really a "credit card" but instead it's a way for people to have access to money for spending online.

I still don't buy the story, sorry. If you knew your mom wasn't up for making purchases online...why did you even ask for a website then?

*Metaphorically Speaking* This story went from being solid red to being pin-stripes....something about that is just smelly.
you only have to be 15 to get a checking account..I've had one since 15 myself
Really? The bank I go to doesn't let minors open their own checking accounts. When I got my first debit card I was 15, and I had to get my mother to sign for it or something... I forgot the details of it all, but it was required that she have access to the checking account as well. Maybe it's a state law thing?

Personally, I didn't even know pre-paid Mastercards existed, nor could I have a checking account or card of any kind without the approval of a parent until I hit 18, so I totally understand where black convict 0331 is coming from. In years past, I've also tried to convince my mother to let me buy items online with her credit card, with mixed results, so I can see why he'd ask for a link, since there might have been the possibility she'd agree. I dunno, maybe it's just the fact that I could totally see myself in the same situation a few years ago, but I find the story plausible.
and there are some people who simply do not make online purchases. i used to work with a lot of older engineers and mechanics who just had certain innate suspicions of any online security. they couldn't believe that i actually would buy virus protection subscriptions over the internet with my credit card. :eek: :lol:

convict, seriously. tone up the language. at least use periods if nothing else, 'k? think how much trouble it would have saved you to just have written: "i have two bettas in the same tank. i haven't seen them fight but they flare at each other and look beaten up. where can i get some indian almond leaf to fix them up?" if you're 17 and English is your native tongue, one would never guess it from your posts.

as of three years ago, you had to be 19 in Alabama to open any sort of bank account. believe me, i tried. ;)
:shrug: Maybe they just liked me then...cas I've had one with SouthTrust since March 15, 1991.
when i was under 18 my mom had to cosign on my bank account and credit card
I have a question... If you are 17 and you were born in 1983 (as your profile says), and I am 22 and I was born in 1983.... how does that make any sense? Does your calendar skip half a decade? :dunno:

Anyway, people are trying to help you here. Please make a little more effort to help them help you. It's only respectful.
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