This person is:
- More than likely fighting bettas based on their own garbled, confusing words.
- Continually interested in IAL even though several people said it is not at all essential (probably because fighting sites say it is needed, and this person is more than likely fighting)
- Ignoring several people's suggestions of where to get it
I say we just bid this thread good-bye. I can't stand it when people come on acting for help, then blatantly ignore it.
Black convict, I ask yet again: Why do you need IAL? It is not essential to the survival of your bettas. In fact, unless you are breeding or intentionally fighting, I would say it probably isn't needed at all. It just gives them a little "boost" by making the conditions more similar to home. I'm sure you could get the same effect from feeding live foods or keepign the water very clean.
And, I asked if your other fish (which are still housed with one betta from what I understand?) would be ok in blackwater conditions. This you haven't answered. It would be useful info. If they are a species that doesn't like slightly acidic water, you could run into SERIOUS problems buying it.
I think someone also asked if you could find blackwater extract instead? Many LFS carry it, and it would be cheaper/more readily available than IAL.