Fighter (betta) With White Lumps On Fins... Please Help!

Heard lymthocystis described as creamy white lumps, they can come in other colours aswell.

Info on lumps for you.
Lumps that suddenly appear are usually bacterial.
Lumps that look waxy can be fish pox.
Lumps that have redness to them are usually bacterial.
I have to leave the house for a bit now... (unavoidable and I'm late) I will report back tomorrow on whether the move went OK and how everything is going.

Thankyou so much to both of you, you have been wonderful and I'm pretty sure I know as much as possible now.

Thankyou! :)
Good luck.
Get back to the board if any changes in the lumps.

Thankyou for the links, and sorry I had to dash earlier... I was really late, obviously my fish's lives are most important but I couldn't get out of the commitment.
My fighter has been moved into a small tank with just water from the main tank for now, I have decided to let the temperature go down naturally overnight and then check the water parameters and change some water in the morning (I have the Poly Media in there to hopefully bring down the Nitrite). For now I have topped up the main tank with fresh water, and tomorrow I will do a small syphon on the main tank , repeating every two days until I think I can't clean the gravel any more. Obviously I will monitor the water parameters carefuly as I don't want to send it into a mini cycle!
Do you think that sounds OK?
I noticed you said that sudden lumps are usually bacterial? I would say they were sudden... They appeared within 24 hours and haven't really grown since. I wondered whether an anti-bacterial med would be advisable once the water parameters are better, just in case?
Thankyou again for all your help, I'll be back tomorrow to update!
I suppose now he's in issolation a bacterial med would be ok.
Thats the problem with artiicles on the net they information always different on each site.
Its really down to experience and my fish have never had Lymthocystis.
Could always ask in tropical discussion if any members have had to deal with the viral desease.
I suppose now he's in issolation a bacterial med would be ok.
Thats the problem with artiicles on the net they information always different on each site.
Its really down to experience and my fish have never had Lymthocystis.
Could always ask in tropical discussion if any members have had to deal with the viral desease.

Just read this on one of the links you provided...

>Lymphocystis does show some host-specificity, i.e., each strain (or species) of lymphocystis can infect only its primary host fish, or some additional closely related, fish.

>DNA studies have showed that there are different species of the virus. This has been suspected for some time because the viral particles from different
>fishes vary in size plus the virus from a fish usually will infect only that species of fish or a few other species closely related to the primary host.

I hadn't spotted the link earlier, but hopefuly that is good news for the other tank residents as they are probably pretty far removed from fighters!

I won't treat him with anything yet... I want him to get used to his rather harsh new conditions! Oh, I meant to say, I have moved the small tank onto my computer desk as I suspect it is the warmest part of the room and is the furthest safe point from the windows (draughts)!

I'll head over now to the tropical discussion and ask whether anyone has had experience of this, thanks! (I can see me being a rather active member of this community, lol!
Any improvement? Did anyone ever get back to you in your other thread? If not, I suggest you send a PM to nmonks as Wilder suggested.
If you add the med you will need an airstone.
How is the fish.

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